10-5-17 Ravens and the Radio is dead


Today is story time. But first, some ravens.

Raven being a dick

Ravens versus Crows

Ravens are seen quite often with Halloween decorations. Maybe it’s because Poe and his raven…

Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

One of the most memorized pieces of literature.

Several years ago I went to a concert on a Sunday. It was called the Buzz Bake Sale. The station that threw it was 103.1 The Buzz. It was an alternative/rock radio station, and pretty much the only station I listened to after 94.9 Zeta disappeared. That was also rock, but not as heavy usually.

The concert was a lot of fun. It wasn’t terribly hot or crazy crowded. It was easy to go between the different stages so I could see all the bands I was interested in. There was one band called Art of Dying that put on a really great show even though I didn’t know them that much before the concert. I purchased their CD at a modest $10. After the concert I listened to it on the way home and was really happy with it.

Monday rolls around and I turn on the radio to the Buzz station. Lady Gaga is singing. I look at the radio wondering “what the hell?” Sure enough, the station is on the right number. I leave it for a minute and some other pop song comes on afterwards and they announce the station name. It’s something completely different, but the number is correct. That was the day I found out that the station was replaced and the Bake Sale was actually their farewell concert. My heart sank. This meant that the only station that had any kind of rock music was the classic rock station. Classic rock is fine… But eventually “Welcome to the Jungle” gets on your fucking nerves when you hear it every damn day.

After that, I listened to the Art of Dying cd for the next month and a half whenever I was driving anywhere because I didn’t really have a bunch of CDs, and still, no radio stations that appealed to me.

The cd is called Vices and Virtues. It has ravens in the artwork/lyric insert which is why I included some raven stuff.

I listened to the entire cd this morning after quite a while of not listening to it. Ah, the feels.

Art of Dying - Sorry

Art of Dying - Raining

Art of Dying - I Will Be There

Eventually the lead singer chopped off his beautiful hair and bleached it blonde. :sigh:

Their newest video:
Art of Dying - All or Nothing

I would of linked a lot more songs, but for some reason the official videos are blocked in the US. I’ll try to link a playlist for the entire cd.

Art of Dying - Vices and Virtues: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFB27A001B274CADE