@lilsrm123 I think it is a benefit - then we won’t be even remotely tempted to buy some seriously stupid and ugly shirts just because they say coffee on them.
@lilsrm123 I just can’t see one of these with two big mugs of two and a straw hanging from them. This from someone who just drinks ice tea all day. It wouldn’t have the same impact.
I don’t drink coffee but I love infographics… it makes me feel smarter. It reminds me of things like the Carbon and water cycle in science. I have spent good amounts of time memorizing those things growing up. Now I work in Science and I have become a perfect MeH misanthrope who should have said I want to screw other people so badly and gone business. Seriously science is a shitty place to be, unless you are in coding or happen to pick the science that really pays like chemical Engineer in Dubai.
Still this has nostalgia from the desire to learn more science.
Will probably pick one up and hate myself a bit more.
I love coffee. I drink it all day and even have a Bubba mug of it beside me. I cannot imagine wearing either of these shirts though. I do love the idea you’re doing with the weekly shirts leading up to opening mediocritee, but this is a definite no for me.
From description: Buy either of them, but really you should by both. Because. Proves someone needs coffee, real coffee to spell buy. Coffee t-shirts want cut it!
@Willijs3 you know I’ve seen a lot of butts online and there’s really no way to tell if that’s a dudes butt or a chicks butt. Butts are getting deceptive these days.
We have some amazing shirt artists that are meh members and so shirt woot contests. Perhaps you can reach out to them and have them each do a weekly shirt. They often achieve witty and amazing shirts and I am sure could do excellent shirts. @acraigl @kevlar51
Oh I am not sure who else but I know they are out there
@Moose or @Dave or whoever, I have a request: Could you let us know what color a shirt is in words because computer screens aren’t always accurate? Especially if you decide that men’s and women’s shirts will be different colors without explicitly mentioning that in the specs, which is what I assume is happening here.
Any graphic titled “How Coffee Works” that doesn’t end with a person pooping is incomplete.
To be completely pedantic, the shirt mostly shows “how coffee is made”, except for the last part of the image that, I assume, shows coffee affecting the brain.
What’s in the Box?
1x Shirt
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 20th - Friday, July 24th
What about for those who dont drink coffee?
@lilsrm123 I think it is a benefit - then we won’t be even remotely tempted to buy some seriously stupid and ugly shirts just because they say coffee on them.
@lilsrm123 I just can’t see one of these with two big mugs of two and a straw hanging from them. This from someone who just drinks ice tea all day. It wouldn’t have the same impact.
@Kidsandliz @lilsrm123
I don’t drink coffee but I love infographics… it makes me feel smarter. It reminds me of things like the Carbon and water cycle in science. I have spent good amounts of time memorizing those things growing up. Now I work in Science and I have become a perfect MeH misanthrope who should have said I want to screw other people so badly and gone business. Seriously science is a shitty place to be, unless you are in coding or happen to pick the science that really pays like chemical Engineer in Dubai.
Still this has nostalgia from the desire to learn more science.
Will probably pick one up and hate myself a bit more.
@sippinndippin Well as long as you hate yourself a bit more then I supposed it is OK then to buy one
seriously meh - in my opinion these are stupid
Is it supposed to say “by both”? Because if it’s a pun, I don’t get it, but I like it!
Who’s the artist?
@sammydog01 They’re too embarrassed to say.
@cinoclav @sammydog01
I would concur with that
Buying is just a process —- brewing up some new ideas eh meh?
Waiting for respectable brew methods
@terrence Yes! Or at least the process of more than one method.
@notsofancy @terrence
i love coffee shirts
but these are well
so far below even
/image mediocre
that I have to just pass
I love coffee. I drink it all day and even have a Bubba mug of it beside me. I cannot imagine wearing either of these shirts though. I do love the idea you’re doing with the weekly shirts leading up to opening mediocritee, but this is a definite no for me.
/giphy sorry, not sorry
Well dang, looks like I’m an older-acceptable-cork.
I don’t even drink coffee very much, but I enjoy The Process. There’s a lot going on there.
/giphy locked-feathered-meerkat
Can you bring back Shirtless Sundays please?
Fuck you, Meh.
I just purchased two t-shirts I don’t need.
/image tepid-nostalgic-hummingbird
/giphy tepid-nostalgic-hummingbird
Pass. I would prefer a Tea Tee.
DUMB! Because Meh would be too good to describe this shirt!
/image delicate-indented-knight
That was unexpectedly bland.
No no nonono. Gah, these are UGLY! 2 x “Meh” fersure. Signed, a coffee lover.
/buy --DESIGN “The Process” --SIZE “Men’s XL”
@Pufferfishy It worked! Your order number is: addicted-occupied-summer
/image addicted occupied summer
/buy --DESIGN “The Process” --SIZE “Men’s M”
@Seth86 Sorry, this deal contains 20 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot sorry for the confoosion
These shirts are a little complicated, want to know what’s simple? Meh face pop sockets
/giphy distracted-tropical-grade
/youtube drunken sailorman
/giphy coffee
So much no.
Chaste capricious gunslinger
Badass name Meh things are looking up.
/image fart zone
So much content and so many colors whoopee!?
From description:
Buy either of them, but really you should by both. Because.
Proves someone needs coffee, real coffee to spell buy. Coffee t-shirts want cut it!The Dream
/giphy predictable-insincere-bun
@Willijs3 Those buns look sincere to me!
@Willijs3 you know I’ve seen a lot of butts online and there’s really no way to tell if that’s a dudes butt or a chicks butt. Butts are getting deceptive these days.
@Lazarpandar I watched it a few hundred times strictly in the interest of science. Still couldn’t tell you.
I just want a Meh shirt in Yellow
If you did this with beer I’d be in.
We have some amazing shirt artists that are meh members and so shirt woot contests. Perhaps you can reach out to them and have them each do a weekly shirt. They often achieve witty and amazing shirts and I am sure could do excellent shirts.
Oh I am not sure who else but I know they are out there
@narfcakes would of course be a purple catshirt.
@Moose or @Dave or whoever, I have a request: Could you let us know what color a shirt is in words because computer screens aren’t always accurate? Especially if you decide that men’s and women’s shirts will be different colors without explicitly mentioning that in the specs, which is what I assume is happening here.
@sammydog01 -1, reasonable request is too reasonable and is lacking in snark
@nolrak Who the fuck is going to buy a tan shirt, why isn’t this thing available in purple and green stripes? (Better?)
@sammydog01 there you go, that’s way more appropriate
Any graphic titled “How Coffee Works” that doesn’t end with a person pooping is incomplete.
To be completely pedantic, the shirt mostly shows “how coffee is made”, except for the last part of the image that, I assume, shows coffee affecting the brain.
Wish I could pull off those colors. 275lbs and I only look good in BLACK! HAHA. otherwise I dig these shirts!
Wait…You sell these shirts today and 2 days ago you’re selling the Primula Cold Brew Coffee Maker with 2 Travel Brewers?
So which is the best process?
/giphy cluttered-unexpected-twig