#$%&# Profanity?


This is a small thing but I'm curious. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all offended by dam-blasted cuss words and taking the Lord's name in vain and all. It's just that I am a human camera taking snapshots of Life, and I am focusing on this particular aspect right now, in my mind.

Back in the old days (and presumably currently but that is not relevant), on Woot's forums, I'm pretty sure I remember that profanity like the F-word and casting aspersions against this or that holy figure was frowned upon edited out (some would say censored from) of the forums.

Here, it appears that we can say pert' near any blasted thing we want and it is okay. (I know some bemoan that fact.)

Just curious as to what changed from then to now. Obviously Meh is a totally new identity, but the goals are somewhat the same. I know that the Woot/Meh guys are all about building community rather than merely offering one-a-day sales. A series of questions:

  1. Does the fact that a certain patois is permitted here that was not permitted at Woot mean that Meh is targeting a slightly different audience?
  2. Is it not anything so formal, it's just that the Meh/Woot guys said, "Fudge it. We sold Woot for a bazillion dollars, now we can do anything we want, we don't need to be wearing evening dress at dinner anymore"?
  3. Was there a certain pressure, a certain seriousness, that existed in building Woot the first go-around that is not needed now that that goal turned into reality and is not the case presently? Sort of like, formerly, "We would really like to attract a business partner or someone to buy us out, we need to watch our language" versus now it's kind of like your 86-year-old grandpa who's so old he really doesn't give a doo-doo anymore and just sits and farts on your living room sofa no matter who is around?

Apologies if this is equivalent lifting the rock to see what is scurrying around underneath it, and of course feel free to ignore any of these questions that you feel you do not want to answer. I can say that with great expansiveness, comity, and bon homie because I am sure you will just ignore any of these questions that you feel you do not want to answer anyway, so I may as well look generous about it.