To be fair, our view of SFW vs NSFW may be a bit skewed. After all, we are at work here and we wrote it so fuck must be completely sufficient for work around these parts. Aren't all works like our work?
Some of us have children as well. I get the whole attitude shtick, but this seems to be turning into just attitude. I'm completely surprised that you actually don't want some of us around.
You may consider those of us who don't want foul language prudes, but it's about character. The foul language is also completely unnecessary. I was really getting into this but I guess me and my family will do as you suggest and stop visiting.
I am out. Using language for shock and awe just shows a lack of creativity. Isn't that what was fun about the "old " site creativity. Using language is weak attempt. Too bad, I had hoped that would bring back the glory, guess not.
Why is it necessary to swear? Cheap laughs? Use something funnier than "fuck." Go for "frak" or invent a new curse word just for the Meh community. Using "fuck" just seems like a cheap shot and unworthy of this site.
@PurplePawprints@BelyndaG I like BSG, but "frak" is one of the stupidest fucking things ever on TV. I'm pretty sure I said "fuck" at least once for every time I heard them say "frak" just to restore a sort of personal equilibrium. Which, okay, if they did that on purpose, brilliant. Still, annoyed the fuck out of me. Huh; maybe literally.
@joelmw They used 'frak' to get around the censors at the time. 'Fuck' would have been bleeped, so as a kind of fuck you to the censors they used frak instead. I have kids in addition to a foul mouth, so I try to say frak instead of what usually comes out when they're around. It works sometimes.
@Foxborn I always liked the sound of 'Frak' also. It's better than its previous polite-company placeholder 'fudge'. (Unless we're talking about real fudge, because then I'm all like "Fuck you, that's mine".)
I believe this is the first moment that Meh is forcing you to choose if you want to be a part of this site of not. If you leave, they are OK with that. This is the site they want to run, and for that, I applaud them. If you can't handle the language, your decision is respected, but they're not going to change.
I hope they don't fucking mind that I'm speaking for them.
Here's the part that I don't understand. I love my kids and spend a bunch of time with them. I usually even feed them, make sure they get thar learnin', etc. I don't sit around and browse online with my kids. In fact, my time with my kids is almost typically as far away from the pornbox as possible- and certainly nowhere near these forums. Now I know to include the main page on the list of pages my children should not access. Here's some unsolicited parenting advice. Combine your shopping time with your other adult online time (inb4 'i dont do that sort of thing'). Go outside with your kids.
Well the good news is we only have about 12 and a half hours from now until this write up is gone and we get another chance to disappoint you all over again.
I'm with the guy who said you're trying too hard. Not offended in the slightest, but the faux-edge comes off as desperate. It was dull when everyone was doing it in the 90s and it's just sad now. Surely you're capable or torching political correctness in a way that's actually funny and inventive, right?
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Deference to others out of respect is a sign of maturity. There is a tremendous amount of disrespect here. This site started out with self-deprecating humor and then all of a sudden it has become about being edgy and disrespectful. Keep experimenting.
@thePenrod That bit about deference works both ways. And in my experience, it's the oppressive, judgmental prudes who whine whenever they don't get their way and insist on everyone else being "respectful" and "mature." There are plenty of places that I choose to defer to pointlessly restrictive language standards. This isn't one of them. Our hosts want to say "fuck." For Christ's sake, let them. If you don't like it, leave.
I don't really care when it comes to spoken language.. Ill drop F bombs, but when I came to meh, I had hoped to see the "New Old Woot!"..........
but clearly this is just a mere shadow of it's former glory days. The write-ups are not clever, try-hard material, insert "FUCK" whenever you can't think of anything truly amusing to say...
"Meh" is far from beating the deals.woot community (which is unfortunate, because it went from "declining to dead in the ground" since just after the Amazon-Woot Takeover)..
With that said, you're writer is not clever, nor amusing. #TRYHARDERTRYHARD
If I truly wanted to keep my children from the word "fuck," I'd have to keep them from going to Grandma's house. It's in every other sentence and twice as loud as the surrounding words.
Everyone came here looking for the New Old Woot. I think they are trying to say that this is not what it is. I expect some more shock and awe to scare off the followers before they start trying to make this site into something different from "old Woot".
I don't mind the occasional fuck where it fits, but some of the posts are like little kids away from grown-ups, trying too hard and sounding ridiculous.
Trying too hard, indeed. And I see some personal attacks on those who are just expressing their dislike for the lame use of foul language. Disappointing, folks, Worse than meh.
It's difficult for me to recommend meh to friends when this is what they might see first. Oh well, they're not the target audience anyway. Disappointed.
The only way I can describe my feelings on Meh after today is that instead of constantly flirting with and from time to time crossing the line they've erased it completely. While that sounds bold and new, its really just taking away the thing that keeps everyone engaged. If there is no line why would anyone put any real thought or imagination into crossing it? Especially when everyone is screaming "FUCK" at the top of their lungs.
You've started something you can't undo. You're acting like children who've just discovered cursing. Its like you all are using vulgarity and childishness to force this "we don't care, we do what we want" attitude in our face and down our throats to the point that you've let down those that appreciated how clever you really are. Intelligent conversation is difficult to find, and I'm not yet convinced Meh is the place to find it, which is unfortunate because you were headed in the right direction.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of all things profane and offensive, as long as their cultivated from intellect. So far, Meh is not.
The only thing worse is that I'm getting the feeling that you're beginning to use this site and these "experiments" to laugh AT your supporters, instead of with them.
I think it's better to learn early on what this site is about before you get too invested in it and the community.
As has been said it's not for everyone, if "bad" language bothers you enough move on and be thankful that you only had to invest a couple days, those of us that don't mind will stick around. The free market is a great thing indeed.
I think the forums will calm down soon enough once everyone gets those darn nasty words out of their systems.
Thank you all for playing into Matt's little game and getting him free publicity the world over by making an uproar about the word "fuck" - tomorrow's word will be "suckers". - codename Pavlov
Realistically, there is a sort of novelty to being able to 'curse' on a commerce based forum. When most of of came from fairly heavily censored areas, it is a bit like testing the waters. Some of this is people seeing if meh means it. Can we really say fuck and not be asked to fall in line? Meh has answered with a resounding, "YES." They are who they are, and are encouraging their community to do the same.
Once these boundaries are tested, the language will subside, as the novelty wears off. In the mean time, I'm a fucking fan of not having to censor myself, as an adult; when interacting with other adults.
Seriously? I thought it was an awesome statement. I had no problem showing it to my kids. Then again, I have several posters from the band "Fucked Up" prominently in my home. I suppose I've outgrown the shock value of the word. As has been pointed out, there are other web sites you could go to.
jonT with Meh.....your and idiot! If I was Matt I'd fire you just because I could. You come across as a 25 year old punk with no life experiences. So how close was I?
I wish I could follow up with a hipster, "I meant to do that" grammar error to show how multi-level funny I can be. Sadly I can't claim that. I can only claim anger and frustration with forum bullying and haste in my quick typing and failure to proof read.
Matt I have purchased 4 items so far and was a kickstarter contributor. Please don't run me off with a "go F yourself" company attitude.
@patti Yes. Most of the movies I watch are full of explosions and epithets. No. In my office if you drop a file cabinet on your foot you might be excused from use of a profanity, but it is not acceptable under other circumstances. That's always been the unspoken rule, but the new director laid it out just like that not long ago.
Patti I don't seek out movies with cussing in them. I'm sure you would call me a prude. Yes the F word is used often in my workplace and I don't like it there either. Believe it or not there are still some that try to do live the way our grandparents taught us and dare I say it......religious (I can hear the gasps of air). I don't think its too much to ask to be able to visit an e-commerce site and not have to read juvenile cussing.
@sentinel It's fine that you want to live according to certain religious principles, totally fine. The mistake is assuming that we all did, do (or should) adhere to the same principles.
Not everyone reads/hears curse words the same way. To some it's juvenile, to some it's just punctuation, and to others it's an indication of strong feelings. That's why the write-up was so funny... the idea that someone could have such strong feelings about speaker docks is incongruous. You don't have to be juvenile or unintelligent to find that hilarious.
Besides, it would be silly for us to change our tone to please a few people. We are who we are. I think if you're not upsetting anyone, then you probably aren't being genuine (not that that makes the corollary true).
@Sentinel Do you write to the directors or screen writers about their choice of words? Do you complain to your boss about it when someone swears in your workplace? If not, then why do you exact another standard on an ecommerce site?
I think the folks who run the joint feel like this site is reflective of who they are. While I believe they understand the reasons for you having your perspective I'm not sure you understand theirs. Just as you choose to live your life in one manner, they choose to live their lives in another and their site reflects that. It reflects who they are, their sense of humor, etc. Neither of you are right or wrong, it just is as it is. There is much to be said for accepting people the way they are, even if you don't see eye to eye on things.
Perhaps live and let live, after constructively airing your feelings is the best course of action?
@sentinel, you don't like it when a company uses naughty cuss words in a write up. You have that right. I don't like it when companies overhype a product to try to get me to buy something I don't need. I very much enjoy an online retail establishment differentiating themselves and working hard to be different. Good news, we both have places to spend our money.
You know, all of this profanity by Meh employees is gonna make it really hard for them to use the religious exemption to opt out of paying for people's birth control.
Wow! What a great thread! I completely missed this when it was happening. What an impressive amount of indignation. Just for the record, I'm a supporter of meh's being what meh wants to be. It's so refreshing to see a company be true to its vision and politely tell people that this might not be the place for them.
@joelmw Some most likely held true to their word and didn't come back. I'd suspect many more still at least check the deal if they aren't active in the forums.
Jk live and let live though.
I hear there are other, less goat fuckity sites for options like that.
Would be nice if this was SFW at least. Jeez, vocabulary choices too hard?
Sorry your work has a problem with words. :(
Maybe time for a new job, I'm sure it's totally SFW here
@Ignorant, you're fucking right it is.
Yea I noticed this too. It's just screams of #tooedgyforme type of content. It just tries too hard.
Edgy, but also gets the point across that they just don't give a fuck anymore. Or at least Rutledge doesn't.
Kitteh agrees.
Yeah, I gave up on the graphic. Looks so easy. I tried using the link to the graphic on its original site, then tried imgur. No luck.
I found it very funny. One vote from me for doing whatever the fuck you want with your website.
Ya, fuck not swearing.
There are plenty of other sites on the internet, millions of them. If you don't like the content here maybe this one isn't for you. No hard feelings.
Millions of them? How could anyone even know that?
Ordinarily I would agree, but I REALLY want to support Meh and opening a page to the F word is NSFW.
site works well on small screens, so you can check it out on your phone first
Also, it posts at midnight when you probably aren't working.
"Hey, boss. Check out this cool new sit-OH, FUCK!"
Well, I had high hopes for this place. If I had hard feelings, I'd also have a suggestion for where you could put them.
@MEHcus The way to be sure about the millions is to start at then keep count until you reach .
To be fair, our view of SFW vs NSFW may be a bit skewed. After all, we are at work here and we wrote it so fuck must be completely sufficient for work around these parts. Aren't all works like our work?
I find it kind of ridiculous that workplaces full of adults have to worry about "bad" words.
Yea but living in a super PC world is awesome!
I use to frame houses. Never thought that working for an ecommerce site would expose somebody to more foul language than that.
I SAY fuck at work. A lot. Sometimes I even yell it.
Nope. Not all work sites are alike. I was HR Director at work. I can just envision the disciplinary actions involved.
Not for nothing @BelyndaG, but some HR departments don't even like users using company resources on an eCommerce site, let alone bad words.
it's not about "PC", its being professional. There is a time to drop f bombs, drink and hang out with friends, and a time to not.
Do we look like professionals to you?
@BillLeHecka : Absolutely. Some of us had to be sneaky about it. The F word on the screen gets too much attention!
@devexityspace this is the time to hang out with friends
Any place that doesn't see the big fucking deal with using the world fuck is a great place to work. o.0
Some of us have children as well. I get the whole attitude shtick, but this seems to be turning into just attitude. I'm completely surprised that you actually don't want some of us around.
You may consider those of us who don't want foul language prudes, but it's about character. The foul language is also completely unnecessary. I was really getting into this but I guess me and my family will do as you suggest and stop visiting.
Sounds like that's the right choice for you.
wow, didn't expect that response, did you? they really want to be mediocre (I'm liking this snarky edgy meh)! =)
I'm afraid I'm in the same boat. Even though I wasn't at work when I opened the page, my family was around.
If you have kids, you know how to get to your favorite sites without your kids watching. Add this to the list for fucks sake.
Sorry about my grammar. I should have said 'for fuck's sake'.
@marklog Swearing is fine, but forgetting an apostrophe is a grave sin.
I expected that response based on previous responses to other users. They said to leave in such a way as I understood they were serious.
Why are your children shopping online?
What is wrong with Friends University of Central Kansas?
(no really, it's a real school, and yes really, they had licensed apparel until the 60s/70s with their acronym)
Their t-shirts omitted the "o" from the logo.
I like bad fucking words. They make me smile.
That being said, perhaps you can add a "swear filter" option for users with sensitivity to such colorful metaphors. Win Win for all involved.
Replace colorful metaphors with bad TV edits.
Check this box to pussify your experience.
@marklog It could also be kind of funny to see how the writers substitute the language with something ridiculous.
This is actually a pretty good idea.
If you were any kind of netizen, you'd write your own fucking Chrome extension to filter out the goddamned language you can't bear to see.
One exists:
Sure. but I'm trying to embarrass the assholes into writing their own.
I prefer not to think of myself as an asshole, @editorkid.
Oh, I know, and I bet you're not, but I needed a collective noun no one had used yet. Nothing personal.
I am out. Using language for shock and awe just shows a lack of creativity. Isn't that what was fun about the "old " site creativity. Using language is weak attempt. Too bad, I had hoped that would bring back the glory, guess not.
I think it might be driven by it being Woot's birthday today. Today this site sounds like a scorned ex who is drunk dialing.
To some of us, fuck,shit, etc., comes natural. Try being married to the military for over 40 years and see what your vocabulary is like.
@Teripie I know the word FUCK is what makes the Navy go. It's one of my personal favs but it DID seem a bit coarse used on the main page.
Why is it necessary to swear? Cheap laughs? Use something funnier than "fuck." Go for "frak" or invent a new curse word just for the Meh community. Using "fuck" just seems like a cheap shot and unworthy of this site.
You have far too high of expectations for this site.
and "frak" makes it better?
Frak? That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Fuck doesn't bother me a bit, but we also use 'Frak' a lot because we're huge BSG fans.
@PurplePawprints @BelyndaG I like BSG, but "frak" is one of the stupidest fucking things ever on TV. I'm pretty sure I said "fuck" at least once for every time I heard them say "frak" just to restore a sort of personal equilibrium. Which, okay, if they did that on purpose, brilliant. Still, annoyed the fuck out of me. Huh; maybe literally.
@joelmw They used 'frak' to get around the censors at the time. 'Fuck' would have been bleeped, so as a kind of fuck you to the censors they used frak instead. I have kids in addition to a foul mouth, so I try to say frak instead of what usually comes out when they're around. It works sometimes.
@PurplePawprints I just like the way "Frak" sounds it sounds like a curse word
@Foxborn I always liked the sound of 'Frak' also. It's better than its previous polite-company placeholder 'fudge'. (Unless we're talking about real fudge, because then I'm all like "Fuck you, that's mine".)
@PurplePawprints I understand and can appreciate why they did. I still hate it. :-)
Q: Your language offends me, what can I do about it.
A: Hi Dad. Sorry about that. You have a couple options.
Fuck off and Die extension
I have money and like spending. Don't care for titles my kids can't see. It's up to you, of course, Meh. Just my feedback.
Wait, are your kids blind? Why can't they see the titles?
I believe this is the first moment that Meh is forcing you to choose if you want to be a part of this site of not. If you leave, they are OK with that. This is the site they want to run, and for that, I applaud them. If you can't handle the language, your decision is respected, but they're not going to change.
I hope they don't fucking mind that I'm speaking for them.
Well said. I wouldn't say we're forcing anyone to do anything, but the rest is spot on. This is who we are, and that's not changing.
Well said @JohnT. Stay exactly as you are.
Here's the part that I don't understand. I love my kids and spend a bunch of time with them. I usually even feed them, make sure they get thar learnin', etc. I don't sit around and browse online with my kids. In fact, my time with my kids is almost typically as far away from the pornbox as possible- and certainly nowhere near these forums. Now I know to include the main page on the list of pages my children should not access. Here's some unsolicited parenting advice. Combine your shopping time with your other adult online time (inb4 'i dont do that sort of thing'). Go outside with your kids.
Well the good news is we only have about 12 and a half hours from now until this write up is gone and we get another chance to disappoint you all over again.
The bar has been set low but sometimes low expectations are better.
@hales what you need is a "I'm a sissy" button. When you click it all the words change to "kitten" or "rainbow"
This is the experiment within the experiment, isn't it? Damn, you guys are good!
I think you're right.
My new motto is: PRUDE AND PROUD! Stop the foul language.
I'm with the guy who said you're trying too hard. Not offended in the slightest, but the faux-edge comes off as desperate. It was dull when everyone was doing it in the 90s and it's just sad now. Surely you're capable or torching political correctness in a way that's actually funny and inventive, right?
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Deference to others out of respect is a sign of maturity. There is a tremendous amount of disrespect here. This site started out with self-deprecating humor and then all of a sudden it has become about being edgy and disrespectful. Keep experimenting.
day four might be a little too early to judge a site for what 'it has become'.
@thePenrod That bit about deference works both ways. And in my experience, it's the oppressive, judgmental prudes who whine whenever they don't get their way and insist on everyone else being "respectful" and "mature." There are plenty of places that I choose to defer to pointlessly restrictive language standards. This isn't one of them. Our hosts want to say "fuck." For Christ's sake, let them. If you don't like it, leave.
I don't really care when it comes to spoken language.. Ill drop F bombs, but when I came to meh, I had hoped to see the "New Old Woot!"..........
but clearly this is just a mere shadow of it's former glory days. The write-ups are not clever, try-hard material, insert "FUCK" whenever you can't think of anything truly amusing to say...
"Meh" is far from beating the deals.woot community (which is unfortunate, because it went from "declining to dead in the ground" since just after the Amazon-Woot Takeover)..
With that said, you're writer is not clever, nor amusing. #TRYHARDERTRYHARD
It's fucking "your", not fucking "you're"
Yeah, and the comma goes inside the goddamned quotation marks, so what are you gonna do?
Not necessarily:
Most of the world calls technicalities "losses."
Say what you want it seems to be generating traffic.
well fuck me.
And with that, @snapster gains a follower. applause
Here's a list of places where Mediocre Labs might want to establish satellite orif -- offices.
Hmmm....Hooker, OK isn't that far away.
Extra benefit to moving there: Instead of collecting sales tax, you could call it hooker tax.
If I truly wanted to keep my children from the word "fuck," I'd have to keep them from going to Grandma's house. It's in every other sentence and twice as loud as the surrounding words.
Is she single?
yes, but i wouldn't wish that on anyone.
You got that right taternuggets! Grandma cusses like a sailor!
Consarn it.
Shut the front door.
Dag nabbit.
Well, fluffernutter.
well gosh darn it
Great googly moogly.
“The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest is just a fucking lunatic.”
― Stephen Fry
He's great. Worth watching that whole part (at 3m25s):
"It's not necessary! As if that should stop one from doing it . . . Things not being necessary is what makes life interesting."
Everyone came here looking for the New Old Woot. I think they are trying to say that this is not what it is. I expect some more shock and awe to scare off the followers before they start trying to make this site into something different from "old Woot".
You're right. We're not trying to be "Old Woot." We're Meh. But we're also not trying to scare off anyone. We are who we are.
I'm REALLY looking forward to tomorrow's write-up & media. I imagine @dave & @matthew are quite inspired right now.
It's either going to be very filthy and selling children's stuff, or pre-school copy selling Hitachi Magic Wands
I don't mind the occasional fuck where it fits, but some of the posts are like little kids away from grown-ups, trying too hard and sounding ridiculous.
I am with you Poof. No objection to occasional 4 letter words. Use them myself. But, I cannot see the repetition being funny.
I'm surprised no one posted this yet:
Trying too hard, indeed. And I see some personal attacks on those who are just expressing their dislike for the lame use of foul language. Disappointing, folks, Worse than meh. was taken is still available.
It's difficult for me to recommend meh to friends when this is what they might see first. Oh well, they're not the target audience anyway. Disappointed.
so was
I came here to say poop.
Your valuable contribution has been noted.
Can't we have ONE SITE on the Internet where people don't use palindromes?
No sir -- away! A papaya war is on.
@Snapster -
The only way I can describe my feelings on Meh after today is that instead of constantly flirting with and from time to time crossing the line they've erased it completely. While that sounds bold and new, its really just taking away the thing that keeps everyone engaged. If there is no line why would anyone put any real thought or imagination into crossing it? Especially when everyone is screaming "FUCK" at the top of their lungs.
You've started something you can't undo. You're acting like children who've just discovered cursing. Its like you all are using vulgarity and childishness to force this "we don't care, we do what we want" attitude in our face and down our throats to the point that you've let down those that appreciated how clever you really are. Intelligent conversation is difficult to find, and I'm not yet convinced Meh is the place to find it, which is unfortunate because you were headed in the right direction.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of all things profane and offensive, as long as their cultivated from intellect. So far, Meh is not.
The only thing worse is that I'm getting the feeling that you're beginning to use this site and these "experiments" to laugh AT your supporters, instead of with them.
Too Bad, I was excited.
It's interesting that you don't find this experiment intellectually stimulating. The experiment is "how negative can we be about a product"
The fact that it has the word Fuck in it is a known shock, but it does not diminish my interest in the least.
unfortunately, the language topic has over taken any such experiment and you and your staff seem to be encouraging it.
I don't agree. This remains the most negative possible way to sell a product and that intellectually stimulates me.
before the fuckin' grammer nazis get here: I used their instead of they're. oops. See what I did there?
The negativity brought about by the profanity isn't geared toward the product.
Focused in this thread, it's not too much of a distraction to me. Only when people @myname.
It seems the people that are taking issue with the language are the ones focusing on it above anything else.
I'm not talking about the write-up, not clever but it suits its purpose. The discussion however, is a lasting effect of the experiment.
I have no trouble with a few well-used fucks here and there (or even nicely refurbed ones), but I could have written this way more negative.
"well used" is key, isn't it?
For the purposes of the marketing copy, they were; both the CEO and the rest of the team seem happy with it.
Whereas you and me, our opinions add up to having enough vanity to believe anyone cares about our opinions.
So no one should express an opinion if there is someone around to disagree with it?
And again, not talking about the write-up.
I think the write up is fine. The forums devolved the moment we realized people were "offended"
You got it.
I work with a guy from Ireland. They make cursing sound poetic (starts at 1:04)
I think it's better to learn early on what this site is about before you get too invested in it and the community.
As has been said it's not for everyone, if "bad" language bothers you enough move on and be thankful that you only had to invest a couple days, those of us that don't mind will stick around. The free market is a great thing indeed.
I think the forums will calm down soon enough once everyone gets those darn nasty words out of their systems.
"I think the forums will calm down soon enough once everyone gets those darn nasty words out of their systems." Hopefully so.
right clicks owl vs cat, save image as
Sorry, you can't be an L.A. DJ anymore. You're going to have to move to Cincinnati.
Fuck it all
Thank you all for playing into Matt's little game and getting him free publicity the world over by making an uproar about the word "fuck" - tomorrow's word will be "suckers". - codename Pavlov
Yeah, look at all those articles that were written today about that! points to imaginary Internet where those articles exist
It was sarcasm, bko - the comment just didn't go over as intended. Fuck!
The Aristocrats!
As long as it is correct grammar.
Fuck, the fucking fuckers fucking fucked me!
Realistically, there is a sort of novelty to being able to 'curse' on a commerce based forum. When most of of came from fairly heavily censored areas, it is a bit like testing the waters.
Some of this is people seeing if meh means it. Can we really say fuck and not be asked to fall in line? Meh has answered with a resounding, "YES." They are who they are, and are encouraging their community to do the same.
Once these boundaries are tested, the language will subside, as the novelty wears off. In the mean time, I'm a fucking fan of not having to censor myself, as an adult; when interacting with other adults.
You know other adults?! That And shit.
Seriously? I thought it was an awesome statement. I had no problem showing it to my kids. Then again, I have several posters from the band "Fucked Up" prominently in my home. I suppose I've outgrown the shock value of the word. As has been pointed out, there are other web sites you could go to.
It's easier for all of us to shop at work if it's SFW - my work account does not let sites with bad words open. :(
Might have to work at work and shop at home ;)
@kc5rbq, completely unrelated, but is your username your radio callsign?
Meh is locking/banning the accounts that say "I'm out", right? That'd learn 'em.
That would defeat the purpose. We want your opinions, especially when you don't like it. Otherwise, we'll just become a homogenous deal blob
Oh, I suppose. It will just get old seeing people complaining about stuff they could easily avoid. If they say they're done, they're done.
It's not a possible one, but homogenous-deal-blob would be a great order number.
@hart Mediocre Labs needs to add homogenous deal blob as a future project.
Leave if you want to. More deals for people who like to sleep in (cough ahem cough).
jonT with Meh.....your and idiot! If I was Matt I'd fire you just because I could. You come across as a 25 year old punk with no life experiences. So how close was I?
pretty far off on most points. not sure of his age.
Should people who call others on the Internet idiots know how to say "You are an idiot?"
but then we couldn't feel their rage as easily
I didn't realize grammatical errors were the new CAPS LOCK... Learn something new every day.
Here I assumed the grammatical errors were on purpose and sentinel was joking
Oh wow, you meant this.
@snapster @BillLehecka This is real? I thought for sure this was satire. "your and idiot"? C'mon really? Also, eleventy!11@!
Unfortunately we still have yet to find a proper way to denote sarcasm on the Internet unless you have talent.
I may indeed be satire. If so, I'm in awe of their talent. #notworthy
@sentinel do you like bacon?
Heads up...
I wish I could follow up with a hipster, "I meant to do that" grammar error to show how multi-level funny I can be. Sadly I can't claim that. I can only claim anger and frustration with forum bullying and haste in my quick typing and failure to proof read.
Matt I have purchased 4 items so far and was a kickstarter contributor. Please don't run me off with a "go F yourself" company attitude.
sorry. your anger was out of line and not a smart display. honestly, I'm not a fan.
May I ask a question, and I don't mean to be rude, but do you go to movies that have curse words in them? How is that any different?
Wait, you're going to use your Kickstarter status as a way to curry favor with the higher ups? Ew...
And the use of the F word is a smart display? You and JonT could learn a few things from this man:
Again @sentinel do you watch movies that have the f bomb in them? Does anyone where you work say it?
@patti Yes. Most of the movies I watch are full of explosions and epithets. No. In my office if you drop a file cabinet on your foot you might be excused from use of a profanity, but it is not acceptable under other circumstances. That's always been the unspoken rule, but the new director laid it out just like that not long ago.
Patti I don't seek out movies with cussing in them. I'm sure you would call me a prude. Yes the F word is used often in my workplace and I don't like it there either. Believe it or not there are still some that try to do live the way our grandparents taught us and dare I say it......religious (I can hear the gasps of air). I don't think its too much to ask to be able to visit an e-commerce site and not have to read juvenile cussing.
Not sure you should use religion as an explanation when you're putting someone else down. :/
Amazingly, my religious grandmother never felt the need to puff out her chest with indignant rage at other people's verbiage.
@sentinel It's fine that you want to live according to certain religious principles, totally fine. The mistake is assuming that we all did, do (or should) adhere to the same principles.
This may calm Sentinel down...
Shocker....more juvenile comments on your part.
I wouldn't exactly call the film Casino juvenile...
Not everyone reads/hears curse words the same way. To some it's juvenile, to some it's just punctuation, and to others it's an indication of strong feelings. That's why the write-up was so funny... the idea that someone could have such strong feelings about speaker docks is incongruous. You don't have to be juvenile or unintelligent to find that hilarious.
Besides, it would be silly for us to change our tone to please a few people. We are who we are. I think if you're not upsetting anyone, then you probably aren't being genuine (not that that makes the corollary true).
I found it funny that the writer was getting so worked up about a speaker dock. They aren't a real problem.
@Sentinel Do you write to the directors or screen writers about their choice of words? Do you complain to your boss about it when someone swears in your workplace? If not, then why do you exact another standard on an ecommerce site?
I think the folks who run the joint feel like this site is reflective of who they are. While I believe they understand the reasons for you having your perspective I'm not sure you understand theirs. Just as you choose to live your life in one manner, they choose to live their lives in another and their site reflects that. It reflects who they are, their sense of humor, etc. Neither of you are right or wrong, it just is as it is. There is much to be said for accepting people the way they are, even if you don't see eye to eye on things.
Perhaps live and let live, after constructively airing your feelings is the best course of action?
Its called customer feedback. Successful companies listen to their customers both good and bad. I'm sure I'm in the minority.
@sentinel But successful companies don't listen to all of their feedback. What if I asked for more curse words? Then what?
@patti @sentinel Exactly. I want more "fuck." And I'm a kickstarter too.
@sentinel, you don't like it when a company uses naughty cuss words in a write up. You have that right. I don't like it when companies overhype a product to try to get me to buy something I don't need. I very much enjoy an online retail establishment differentiating themselves and working hard to be different. Good news, we both have places to spend our money.
Aren't you supposed to be working?
@Trailmix Damn, I had last post in the foul mouth thread for almost TWO MONTHS!?
You know, all of this profanity by Meh employees is gonna make it really hard for them to use the religious exemption to opt out of paying for people's birth control.
@The_Baron I must add a few of my favorites:

@Thumperchick That Kristen Bell one is great. Also, "I'm doing this as hard as I can"
@Thumperchick I LUUUURVE the Kristen Bell one!
@Thumperchick The Kristen Bell one makes me wish I lived in an alternate universe where guys wore lipstick.
@The_Baron Speaking of fuck, and the finger:
@The_Baron True Detectives! Maybe one of my favorite scenes ever in a TV show. God bless you.
I think it's interesting that this thread is all about people who are offended by the write-up, when the speaker dock itself was the real offender.
Wow! What a great thread! I completely missed this when it was happening. What an impressive amount of indignation. Just for the record, I'm a supporter of meh's being what meh wants to be. It's so refreshing to see a company be true to its vision and politely tell people that this might not be the place for them.
I too missed this thread when it first happened. I can't help wondering "where are they now?"
@joelmw Some most likely held true to their word and didn't come back. I'd suspect many more still at least check the deal if they aren't active in the forums.