Wall Mounted Automatic Hands Free Toothpaste Squeeze Dispenser

  • A ~exciting, convenient new product~
  • You mount it on the wall
  • It gives you toothpaste without the use of your hands
  • Welcome to the 21st century, baby!
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A Hallmehrk Christmas Movie Meh-rathon

A couple weeks ago, we asked for your help with a Mad Libs project. Little did you know, you’d be helping us with our very first Hallmehrk Christmas Movie Meh-rathon! Check out what’s coming up next:

You wouldn’t expect to see a celebrity in the quaint hamlet of Muggy Junction. After all, it’s never been the lap of luxury, especially since the Wall Mounted Automatic Hands Free Toothpaste Squeeze Dispenser factory shut down. But that makes it perfect escape for washed up Bollywood child actor Johnson Mcjuggernuggets. He’s tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city and just wants to spend the holiday somewhere quiet. But when he meets Pat, a single mom who’s set aside her dreams of becoming a xylophonist to work as a waitress at the local buffet–well, let’s just say, he might extend his stay! Watch the sparks fly in… All I Lust For Christmas Is You!

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  • That’s $64 total.
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