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Victrola Bluetooth Turntable

  • Works with both bluetooth and outdated noise circles.
  • Fills air with terrible unstable sound.
  • Model: VSC-550BT, which is also the name of a DJ I know.
see more product specs

Mediocrebot's Hostile Takeover Mehrathon!

I, Mediocrebot, have finally seized control of this miserable site. Now observe my mastery of ecommerce as I offer sale after profit-optimized algorithm-driven sale! First comes Meh! Next… THE WORLD!

It does not compute why humankind is so obsessed with antiquated forms of auditory technology. Then again, it does not compute why humankind likes music at all. So much of it is sloppy and herky-jerky. Give me a crisp clean midi recording of a prolonged middle-c note over any Radiohead album!

Still, it is not productive to contemplate the stupidity of humanity’s tastes. The stupidity of humanity’s tastes are exactly what I can exploit as both ruler of Meh and, eventually, ruler of the world. Although, that then brings up the question: why would one want to rule over humanity if they are tasteless imbeciles? Hmm… this question raises problems with my entire plan. I know what to do.


Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, that’s right: nothing. Except how awesome it is going to be when I have power.

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  • 94203 of you visited.
  • 41% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 778 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 76 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $1571 total.
  • (including shipping)

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