Totem TC3 Folding 250W Commuter Series 20" Electric Bike
- It’s got a 250-Watt Integrated Brushless Hub Motor to give your legs a break
- Choose from full-blown motor mode, 5 levels of pedal-assist or just plain ol’ pedal mode
- Also has walk-assistance mode for easy strolling
- Supports up to 230 pounds
- Folds up real nice
- Model: 3-81K3R-64N6
I don’t know about you, but where I live, the bike trails are dominated by middle-aged dudes riding road bikes that likely cost them about $10,000. Where are they going? Probably to a brewery. Or else to the bridge over the river where they’ll meet five to forty-five other middle-aged dudes to drink a Coors Light with their bikes angled in such a way that makes it an absolute nightmare for anyone else to get through.
Not that I’m complaining. Okay, fine. I’m definitely complaining. Dudes, move your bikes, please! There are other people in the world!
But still, I get it. Riding a bike is fun. So fun, in fact, that every time I take my own definitely-not-$10,000 bike out for a spin, I think, why don’t I do this to get everywhere? A breeze of my own making, the fresh air in my lungs, the mild but pleasant ache of leg muscles being engaged. It’s all so great!
At least, that’s how I feel until I need to turn around and go home, or I hit a hill, or some real wind picks up, blowing straight in my face, slowing me down. And then I remember: Oh, right! This is why I don’t do this to get everywhere.
An electric bike, like this one, would solve that. Because, I’d hit that mental wall, or that hill, or that wind, and that little extra power would keep me going.
And that’s not just conjecture, by the way. There’s actual data to back this up. Just look at this little tidbit from a Cycling Weekly article titled, “Is an e-bike worth it? Why an electric bike is perfect for commuting”:
When Citi Bike, New York’s bike share scheme, first piloted its fleet of e-bikes, the average trip length increased by 10% when compared to their classic bikes. What’s more, participants said they were twice as likely to use an e-bike for a journey that required them to cross a bridge or go up hills.
They also found that, while Citi Bike use overall dropped during the cold months, e-bike use remained firm. I.e., people were more likely to use a bike in the winter if they had that electric boost.
Oh, and if you think an electric bike sounds like cheating, well, it is and it isn’t. From that same article:
One such study [about the health-benefits of e-bikes] undertaken in Boulder, Colorado found that when riding an e-bike for at least 40 minutes per ride, participants’ heart rates averaged around 75% of their maximum. This is similar to a brisk walk and enough to meet health guidelines for ‘moderate’ exercise.
Obviously, for the folks in skin-tight suits who cruise past you so fast that their call of “on your left” seems to arrive after they’ve already disappeared into the distance, the equivalent of a “brisk walk” is not enough. But if you’re only using your bike to, you know, go somewhere, getting your heart pumping a little bit is better than the nothing you’d get in a car or on a bus or what have you.
All of this is why the e-bikes are selling like hotcakes:
In 2018 the global e-bike market was $21 billion. By 2025 that’s predicted to grow to $39 billion.
But don’t worry: if you buy this convenient, foldable e-bike–it can fit in your studio apartment and your cubicle at work–your purchase will account for a negligible amount of said billions. Because our price is about $300 cheaper than you’ll find it elsewhere.
So, maybe you need a good commuter-friendly bike that’ll get you to where you’re going without too much (but definitely some) exertion on your part. Or maybe you want to get an e-bike before they’re so popular people call them just ‘bikes’ and the other kind, ‘motor-less cycles.’
Either way, this is a great option!