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mbersiam thought this was worth mentioning said

Since it was my goats (baby, elijah, pumpkin, peanut, fluffy, and hasbrown) that got me into this, it seems only right to share goat facts with you all as my reign of goat.

A little bit about my farm and goats. I’m an office worker by trade, so putting together these facts will help me too. We were gifted our goats by my husband’s friend from Michigan. They traveled by SUV for over 5 hours to get to us as juveniles. We have 4 wethers (castrated males) and 2 females. When the females are old enough, we will breed and milk them.

Goats don’t need much. Just fresh water, some grazing area (or hay/grain during the cold months) and a 3-sided structure for cover.

We just use the horse bard for the goats because we are not equestrian folks.