@somf69 mmm in thought shipping was"meh wide” maybe ask support. But I have not ordered for a while. Mostly here for the pet pics though before I was shit…
@somf69@tinamarie1974 literal cat tree. 5 of them
I was tempted to toss Dartanyan and Alex in the snow on the balcony a few weeks ago but I think it’s finally gone. I like to leave the door open and have a beer after mowing but they are too many and to fast and jump too far… But that is their only outside no Lisaviolet paradise.
@Kyeh momma was on that second one down with Snickers and both will tolerate you close to them, but it’s a whole thing if mom thinks you are focused on and moving directly at her. She panics so everyone runs. I’m just glad she’s not feeling confined up stairs/ finding other places to go. Makes it hard to get good pics though cause I can’t call to get them to perk up without stressing her
@unksol It’s the black one in the cube I almost didn’t see. Are the others pretty friendly, at least? I know you’ve shown Watcha sitting on you, or D’Arty?
@Kyeh Alex was in the cube. He comes when called and gives a good massage usually.
It’s only momma/Hershey who hisses/wants to be left alone. Well left alone by me. . Snickers comes/plays but doesn’t want to be petted.
Momma does her thing and is fine with me existing now. I try and motion her past/not get In her way/spook her . She gets around but directly walking at her, looking at her, holding a camera in her face… She’s not gonna be a fan lol. So group shots I try and stay back
I just feel like. We all loved Matt’s videos. He’s left. IDK that recycling them does other than some nostalgia for some and much confusion for anyone else. But if we are resigned to our insular community. Meh. Might as well enjoy. They are usually hawking it on side deals and morning save.
@unksol But if they have to hire some new people to create content, they won’t be able to keep passing the savings from recycling Matt’s content on to us VMPs.
I agree. If we VMPs are paying $4.99/month to be taken advantage of, we might as well lay back and enjoy it.
If you’re not a VMP, ask for a refund on your membership fees…
Or not
more like vee em poop
@jmoor783 Hey I’m mediocrer than you.
Did not watch, since a “welcome” to something unavailable to me is just a taunt.
Never complained since 2014 , just bought stuff on Side Deal…yup no shipping there as well
@somf69 mmm in thought shipping was"meh wide” maybe ask support. But I have not ordered for a while. Mostly here for the pet pics though before I was shit…
@somf69 @unksol pet pic!! Charlie after playing in the snow a little too long
@somf69 @tinamarie1974 literal cat tree. 5 of them

I was tempted to toss Dartanyan and Alex in the snow on the balcony a few weeks ago but I think it’s finally gone. I like to leave the door open and have a beer after mowing but they are too many and to fast and jump too far… But that is their only outside no Lisaviolet paradise.
@somf69 @tinamarie1974 @unksol
I had to look hard to find that 5th one!
@Kyeh momma was on that second one down with Snickers and both will tolerate you close to them, but it’s a whole thing if mom thinks you are focused on and moving directly at her. She panics so everyone runs. I’m just glad she’s not feeling confined up stairs/ finding other places to go. Makes it hard to get good pics though cause I can’t call to get them to perk up without stressing her
@unksol It’s the black one in the cube I almost didn’t see. Are the others pretty friendly, at least? I know you’ve shown Watcha sitting on you, or D’Arty?
@Kyeh Alex was in the cube. He comes when called and gives a good massage usually.
It’s only momma/Hershey who hisses/wants to be left alone. Well left alone by me. . Snickers comes/plays but doesn’t want to be petted.
Momma does her thing and is fine with me existing now. I try and motion her past/not get In her way/spook her . She gets around but directly walking at her, looking at her, holding a camera in her face… She’s not gonna be a fan lol. So group shots I try and stay back
@unksol I see. Hey, I like the pun in Momma cat’s name - “Her She”!
@Kyeh needed more candy bars for names. I’m sure it I had to grab her it could be done but she’s out and about and not hurting anything so. Meh.
@Kyeh they all hang out regardless
Wow, you got them all at once!
The sunny spot got them together, obviously.
@tinamarie1974 did he at least have fun romping outside until he froze his
buttpaws off? (grin)@Kidsandliz of course! He loves playing outside regardless of the weather. Sadly he really likes running after rain. Sigh
/giphy muddy dog

@tinamarie1974 You might find this of interest… ran across my news feed today and of course as I am grading I had to read it. Right?
I just feel like. We all loved Matt’s videos. He’s left. IDK that recycling them does other than some nostalgia for some and much confusion for anyone else. But if we are resigned to our insular community. Meh. Might as well enjoy. They are usually hawking it on side deals and morning save.
@unksol But if they have to hire some new people to create content, they won’t be able to keep passing the savings from recycling Matt’s content on to us VMPs.
I agree. If we VMPs are paying $4.99/month to be taken advantage of, we might as well lay back and enjoy it.
If you’re not a VMP, ask for a refund on your
membership fees…
@unksol Did he take all those bone in resin’s with him too?
@DrunkCat no but I bet the real ones. I wonder how those go over lol
@unksol Matt left… like he doesn’t work with Meh anymore? Is he off starting something new?
@Macoland @unksol you can keep up with @matthew’s current projects at his site https://www.toadyco.com/
@Macoland I think he’s been gone for a few years now.
@Ignorant @Macoland @matthew thanks did not know about that
Does Matt have his own channel with new songs?
Sadly my card was compromised and my VMP lapsed while waiting for the replacement card to ship from the bank
@riceatusc Write to Support; they have reinstated VMP for those instances before.