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Swann Air Attack Helicopter

  • The only “attack” it’ll do is smash into someone’s face
  • Won’t deliver your packages like those drones we heard about from Bezos
  • 15 minutes of flight, then 75 minutes of wondering why it’s still recharging
  • Go buy 6 back-up batteries & now we have something
see more product specs

Gosh Darn Drones

I might as well come right out with it. Every ten to fifteen minutes of air-attackin’ fun with this Apache copter means seventy-five to ninety minutes in the dock before the next assault.

But why?

Sure it’s a security camera company making a helicopter for no discernible reason, but there’s no clear reason why this helicopter would be all that different than the other dozens of helicopters out there. I thought a lot about it, and googled some, and asked around the office - I had a good while to think about it between the fifteen minutes of excitement.

It’s got a gyroscope, which helps keep it stable. It uses RF instead of IR, which is supposed to be a more dependable control. Maybe those things take up a lot more power? Except it seems like there’s other helicopters with that that still only have 20-30 minute recharges. Same thing with a 3.5 channel remote - it seems to make for a good helicopter, but doesn’t explain the long charge time. It’s got double-rotors, but that’s pretty common these days.

So here’s the deal: we’re pretty sure someone out there in our community is an expert in these things, and that person is, right now, chomping at the bit to tell you all why these particular helicopters have a long charge time. Head over to our forum and see what he or she has to say - it’s either some totally justified reason that will make us all say OF COURSE, or we will find out that no one should buy these.

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  • 135 of these.
  • We sold out at 6:18am.
  • That’s $1561 total.
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