Sharper Image Remote Control Gravity Rover

  • It can climb walls and drive across the ceiling
  • How?
  • Umm…
  • “Downforce propellers and oversized wheels help the rover drive up any surface and cling to the ceiling”
  • Duh!
  • Does it come in Georgia Red: Friend, where we’re going, there will be no college allegiances, no regions except the region of the earth as a whole, no community beyond that of your fellow ma-- Oh, wait, yeah there is some red on it actually
see more product specs

Sharp Once More

Can I be honest? I’m heartened by this product.

See, I was a child of the 90s. And so the words “Sharper Image”? They mean something to me.

When I was growing up, catalogs were king. Every now and then, but especially around the holidays, catalogs aplenty would arrive at our house. Clothing catalogs? Boring. Toy store catalogs were always a hit, though a bit predictable. (After all, I watched my fair share of Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. I already knew the season’s toys.) The catalogs of weird, assorted kitsch were more fun, to be honest.

But nothing compared to the Sharper Image catalog. It constituted a glimpse into another world, a vision of the future. Adding to the strange allure, I knew not a single person who’d ever bought something from the Sharper Image catalog, and I don’t think we actually received it, but rather, I had to look at it when I would go over to a friend’s house, where I would see such wizardry as:

But then, somewhere, likely in the 2000s, the Sharper Image lost their way. The problem? They sold the gadgets of tomorrow, but eventually, tomorrow arrived. They found themselves selling stuff like backpacks with power banks in them or percussion massagers, stuff I wouldn’t be surprised to find for sale at the grocery store or local pharmacy.

So, to my mind, this Rover toy constitutes a return to form: something silly and weird and futuristic and entirely unnecessary but fun nonetheless.

Now, we will say, per some Amazon reviews, these things don’t always function absolutely flawlessly, so maybe make sure you have a soft landing spot if, say, gravity suddenly kicks in. Oh, because did we mention that? This thing can climb walls and drive on the ceiling and stuff?

Okay, good. Glad we got that out of the way.

Anyway, buy this thing for your kid. Or for yourself, so you can see what it feels like to actually own something from Sharper Image.

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