Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Electric Toothbrush w/ Travel Case & 6 Brush Heads

  • The Lexus of electric toothbrushes
  • 6 brush heads so you can keep up with replacements (for a little while)
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Talk Like Something Else Day: A Meh-rathon

Talk like a Pirate Day is this Saturday, the 19th. But c’mon! That’s played out. This year, why not try something different? Such as:

Talk Like an Adult in a Teen Sleuth Novel Day

Smirk and say, “So, little Cassie, what you’re trying to tell me is that this string of puppy disappearances isn’t just a series of very similar but unrelated events? And that Mr. Broderick, the biology teacher, is behind it all? And he’s planning some sort of experiment with all of the puppies you purport he’s stolen? And we need to do something right away? Why, I’ll say: you’ve got quite the imagination on you, l’il lady!”

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