Meh Bandana

  • User @Kewl_Shark420 wrote to us: “Hey, I want to look like Bruce Springsteen but cooler. Can you help?”
  • Mr. Shark420, we certainly can!
  • Model: 4LW4Y5-M0N3Y-1N-B4ND4N4-ST4ND.
see more product specs

Oh, the Mehmories: a Birthday Meh-rathon!

For our birthday this year, we’re putting on a Meh-rathon to honor the people that make this site so great. That’s right: we’re talking about US! So please, enjoy this epic celebration–or… sell-ebration?–by shopping, laughing, buying, sharing your thoughts, sharing your money, and buying!

Bandana’s are badass. That’s just the truth.

And you know who else is a badass? @Medz sure does! That’s right! It’s Hoverkid!

He’s been everywhere…

And done everything…

Relive this epic thread of Photoshop magic!

So far today...

  • 80767 of you visited.
  • 41% on a phone, 7% on a tablet.
  • 676 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 60 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $370 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?