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Marc New York Teddy Fleece Pullover

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Wearable and Useful

We know what you’re thinking: what really is there to say? It’s just a simple fleece pullover! I’m going to look at the pictures of it and decide if I want to buy it or not. Nothing you write here can possibly push me to make a purchase.

To which we’d respond, maybe not, but we can try, dammit!

So here are three uses for these Marc New York Teddy Fleece Pullovers you might not have considered:

Winter Errand/Chore Jacket: We can talk about how stylish this thing is. We can talk about the lightweight-yet-warm miracle that is performance fleece. But let’s be real–this probably doesn’t have to be your main piece of winter wear. Like, it’s not going to replace that quirky yet delightful sweater that everyone comments on. Still, it can be very useful. For example, when you forgot that it’s trash day so you need something to throw on for a quick two-minute trip outside. Or maybe you need to shovel the sidewalk and it’s in the low 30s, i.e. not warm but also not so blisteringly cold that you won’t work up some internal heat as you go. Or maybe you’re running errands around town and don’t want to be taking off your jacket every time you get back into the warm car or grocery store. In all of these cases, this pullover gets the job done, and it won’t look bad doing it.

A Mediocritee Protector: We know how it goes. Every week you go to Mediocritee and buy both designs. Sometimes they’re artsy. Sometimes they’re pop-culture-related. Or sometimes, like this week, they’re a celebration of helicopter pet parenting. Doesn’t matter. Point is, you got all these great shirts, and now you’re scared. Because what if you spill some coffee on one? Or worse, olive oil? With a Marc New York Teddy Fleece Pullover it’s easy–take it with you whenever you’re wearing a Mediocritee shirt and simply put it on if you are about to do anything that might possibly put the shirt in danger of staining.

Holiday Pound Camouflage: Apparently, the style of this pullover is described as ‘oversized boyfriend fit.’ In other words, it’s sorta big and flow-y in a cute, purposeful way. In fact, its bigness and and flow-y-ness seem pleasantly excessive as if to imply: I wouldn’t wear something this big and flow-y if I actually had anything to hide. Which makes it the perfect thing to hide something! Namely, the fact that you’ve spent the last couple days (okay, couple weeks [okay, couple months]) eating sugar cookies and drinking eggnog.

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