Oh Noes...my favorite wireless earbuds/headphones are NLA!

tightwad went on a bit of a rant said

I have tried quite a few wireless (and wired of course) headphones/earbuds. The best of best of the best of the best of the…you get the idea…has been the LG HBS-S80. Good pricepoint ($30 or so) and battery life is incredible. Additionally they are adjustable in fit and don’t rely on just wedging into the ear canal to stay in place. They don’t protrude far so you can even lay on a pillow with them in your ear and not feel like someone is stabbing you directly in your ear hole. With all the upsides there is one massive downside…they are no longer being made!

I need to find a new alternative…factory refurbs are hit or miss, paying overpriced for the last few units hurts my heart. Anyone have a suggestion for a good replacement?

I have tried the Chinese airpod knockoffs (they are uncomfortable but at least the battery life is terrible so you can’t use them long). I don’t like the ones that sit on your shoulders and plug via short wires into your ears…those never stay in place without feeling like I am violating myself. I can’t afford to pay top $ for crazy audiophile brands and I don’t like headphones…probably because my head is so big that it feels like a moderately strong child is covering my ears all the time.