Emergency Roadside Kit, Luxury OEM

- Model: 999M1-AT000
- Screwdrivers, pliers, duct tape, jumper cables, flashlight, and gloves, all so luxurious you will bleed Dom Perignon from every orifice
- Pouch made of 100% genuine luxury nylon
- Emergency reflective triangle thinks it’s better than you, and it’s right
- Manufactured in finite quantities for a luxury car manufacturer
So "not dying" is a luxury now?
Your car is stalled on the side of the road. Guess which one of these things won’t help you?
- Tools like screwdrivers, pliers, and jumper cables
- Work gloves
- A flashlight
- Duct tape
- Some way to make sure oncoming traffic sees you and doesn’t run into you
- A sense of luxury
It’s hard to imagine a situation where luxury matters less than in a roadside emergency. The word “luxury” has become such a meaningless yet, supposedly, irresistible marketing come-on that here we have the spectacle of a “luxury” set of emergency motoring gear.
What could it even mean in this case? That the jumper cables are 11.5’ long instead of the 6’ of most cheapo jumper cables? That they’re 400 amps instead of 150-250? If it just means “better,” how is that a “luxury?” Fully functioning jumper cables sound pretty damn necessary to us.
A nylon bag containing some routine, reasonably well-made tools and supplies: that’s all you can ask of an emergency road kit. And “luxury” or not, it’s all you’ll get with this one.