Libratone Zipp or Zipp 2 360° Bluetooth/WiFi Speaker with Airplay 2 & Alexa

  • Both the Zipp and the Zipp 2 are great portable smart speakers that can work with bluetooth or wifi
  • Both the Zipp and the Zipp 2 feature high quality, balanced 360 degree sound
  • The main difference: the Zipp 2 has built-in Alexa and Spotify, and features a farfield mic
  • Model: Z1PP-Z4PP-Z0PP
see more product specs

Sell It

Ah, Libratone products being offered on Meh. What a surprise, right?

But hold on. This time is different. Because now it’s late November, so we’re not trying to get you to buy one for yourself. Instead, we’re trying to get you to buy one so you can give it as a gift to a family member or loved one.

And here’s the thing. We’re realists. We know that, while Libratone is a great company, they don’t have the same name recognition as, say, Sonos. But that’s not a problem. It just means that you can’t sit back and say, “You’re welcome,” as soon as it’s unwrapped. No, you’ve gotta do a little work, gotta sell it a little bit. And who better to teach you how to sell a Libratone than someone who’s been trying to sell you a Libratone once or twice a week for the past few months.

The following are a few things to memorize in advance of Christmas morning:

When giving the Zipp:

“Yes, [recipient]! That’s right: it’s the original Libratone Zipp, the same one praised by TechRadar for its beautiful design, ability to connect via wifi or bluetooth, and its very clear and balanced sound. Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy it!”

When giving the Zipp 2:

“Ah, so you’ve opened my gift, [Recipient]: The Libratone Zipp 2. That’s great! I’m sure you’ll love this portable smart speaker that has earned five stars from TechRadar, and 4 stars from AppleInsider who says it features ‘very well rounded excellently balancing audio performance, multiple inputs, and a unique portable/Wi-Fi design seldom seen in the industry.’ In this way, it’s a lot like its predecessor, the original Zipp. The main difference is the Zipp 2 has built-in Alexa and Spotify, as well as a farfield mic. Pretty cool, right?”

When giving either one:

“Hey, [Recipient]! You’ve been saying you wanted a great speaker for a while now, and I’m more than certain that you’ll be satisfied with this offering from Libratone! In fact, all the reviews cite one consistent primary con: its high price tag. But don’t worry! I got this for more than $100 less than it goes for on Amazon!”

You know what? On second thought, let’s keep that last one as our little secret. The more they think you spent, the better.

So far today...

  • 62984 of you visited.
  • 46% on a phone, 3% on a tablet.
  • 3866 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 270 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $27465 total.
  • (including shipping)

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