
  • They shine light
  • Lots of options
  • So many lamps
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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Welcome to the Time Meh-chine (A Mehrathon)

With every new offer, a fresh spin in our Time Meh-chine takes us to a random point in history to see how products would fare throughout history. Buckle up, and remember not to disrupt the primary timeline!

What is it? A variety of lamps
When is it? A variety of points in history

Trip Report: We just cruised around the calendar dropping off lamps. Basically Johnny Appleseed, but lamps. May interior design history thrive under our influence.

So far today...

  • 227185 of you visited.
  • 28% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 226 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 42 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $1404 total.
  • (including shipping)

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