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iRobot Roomba 790

  • Model: 790
  • A newer Roomba model than we’ve usually sold
  • Some fancier features: dual HEPA filter, room-to-room navigation, 7-session scheduling, etc.
  • More accessories, too: 3 virtual walls, some extra brushes and tools
  • Still basically a cute little robot that cleans your floor
see more product specs

Give big now that ye may receive big forever.

When it comes to gift-giving expectations, first impressions are huge. As a kid, you were trained early to know exactly how big a pile of presents Santa would leave you. The first Christmas in any romantic relationship answers a lot of questions about how serious this relationship is going to be. And your friends are divided into gift-exchanging and non-gift-exchanging groups that probably date back as long as you’ve known each person.

So the investment of a Roomba 790 now will pay big dividends for years to come. Imagine the surprise on the face of your newest friend, your latest lover, or your recently appointed parole officer when they unwrap this great big box and find the cream of the Roomba 700 series. Whether they have pets and allergies or not, who wouldn’t appreciate the three-stage cleaning, AeroVac bin, dual HEPA filters, and robot charm of this premium floor-vac? Or at least appreciate the amount of money you must have spent?

And that knowledge will stay with them, indeed, haunt them like Jacob Marley for many holidays to come. No matter what else happens in your relationship, they will always pause in their gift shopping to remember: “Hmm… well, they did give me that Roomba that one time, that was pretty nice… oh, fine, I’ll get them the cashmere instead of the nylon.”

Our gift prospectus advises taking a strong position in the Roomba 790 for maximum ROI. And isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

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