Instant Regret Kit

  • Could be something great
  • Could be actual garbage
  • Only one way to find out
  • (Probably Garbage)
  • Note: Buying this IRK does not count toward the SideDeal IRK refund rigamarole
  • Why it works for Valentine’s Day: bonus points if you wrap it up as a V-Day gift without opening it yourself first
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
see more product specs

Matches Made In Retail — A Meh-rathon

Love is in the air. Buckle up for a weekend full of hand-picked deals on products with unironically romantic backstories. If it can’t be at the center of an old Hollywood meet cute, we ain’t selling it.

They had always nodded at each other in a friendly way as they checked the afternoon mail. Until one day they each simultaneously reached for their mystery package on IRK delivery day.

“You make terrible internet purchase decisions, too?!?”

The rest is history.

So far today...

  • 462338 of you visited.
  • 29% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 46 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 50 of these.
  • We sold out at 5:05am.
  • That’s $594 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?