Instant Regret Kit
- Just a bunch of garbage, probably
- Seriously, it’s bad
- SEMI-IMPORTANT: these are among our lowest shipping priorities right now, so if you get one, you’re going to have to wait a bit for it. Like maybe a month. But just think: anticipation will only make the regret that much more extreme!
- Model: 1RK1N6-F0R-TH3-W33K3ND-WH4T3V3R-TH4T-3V3N-15
A Stir-Crazy Meh-rathon
TIP FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Cleaning is a great way to clear your mind!
While you’re working from home, you might start to notice that, in the morning, the sun hits your floor in just the right way to reveal how incredibly dusty it is. And also it’s been a while since you’ve organized your books. And you might want to finally organize the cupboard.
But when you do, you realize: it feels great to finally clean up and organize your stuff. And, in fact, it feels so good, that you have no option but to buy more useless garbage to clutter your space with until, eventually, your entire home is full.