Hi-Tec 24L Commuter Backpack

  • The 24L Commuter bag is a bit more substantial
  • Pretty well weatherproofed
see more product specs


Welcome to THE ORACULUM. Join us, as our resident oracles of eTail and otherwise provide predictions that will 100% potentially eventually happen. Okay, maybe the only thing we can really guarantee you is that we have a lot of stuff today. Like, a LOT of stuff. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, one of these predictions will come true.

September 12th, 2022

Nothing of note happens.

So far today...

  • 91570 of you visited.
  • 46% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 288 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 18 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $242 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?