2-Pack SECUR360 2000-Lumen LED Outdoor Smart Security Flood Light

  • 2000 lumens of light outside
  • Connect it to wifi and set it up to work with Alexa or Google Assistant
  • Motion-activated
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can help you not run into stuff as you make your way inside after having a few margaritas
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Lumens To The Rescue

Is it bad to enjoy the shorter winter days?

Now, we understand that sunlight is good for humans. Vitamin D can play a crucial part in helping people maintain a positive mood. And, in the winter, when the sun is only out during the stretch of hours when many people find themselves locked in office buildings with the nearest window several cubicle walls away, it can have a profoundly bad effect on one’s mental health.

Yet, there is a coziness to it too, isn’t there?

When there are several hours of daylight after you get home from work, it means you can do something fun. The problem is, doing something fun is still doing something. And, after an exhausting day at work, even getting happy hour drinks on a patio or playing a casual game of softball with your buddies can start to feel like a looming obligation.

In the winter, you don’t have this issue. Sure, there are indoor happy hours and rec centers for playing old-person sports and whatnot. But also, no one expects anything of you. So if you just want to go home, trade your slacks for PJ pants, and settle into the couch to read or watch TV, nobody will call you lazy.

What does any of this have to do with a flood light?

It’s simple: in order to get cozy, you need to get safely inside. And this thing will help with that.

You can connect it to your wifi, pair it with Alexa or Google Assistant, and use your voice to control it if you want. But at the end of the day what makes this light cool is that it’s a light. A really really bright, motion-activated light. Which means, you can feel safe walking up your driveway after work when it’s pitch black.

Safe from what? Everything. Scary lurkers? Sure. Ice on the ground? Absolutely. The raccoons that live under your deck, are shockingly undeterred by people, and, in fact, seem to think you’re encroaching upon them? Well, the light might not scare them away, but it’ll allow you to see them at least. So you can haul ass in the door and lock it behind you.

What we’re saying is: it’s winter, which means it gets dark early. And you should embrace the lethargy that inspires. But also, you should be safe. So get a good flood light.

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