Cheer me up - show me your pets


Hey all -

I’ve shared pics of my boys in the past, so you may be familiar with my dog Thor.

He was showing symptoms of dementia, which were improving with medication. However, he had a stroke and passed away a little over a week ago. We couldn’t get him into the emergency clinic an hour away because their wait time was 5-6 hours. (Vet care isn’t robust in our somewhat rural city.)

He was surrounded by his whole family and all 5 of us got to say goodbye.

I’m supposed to pick up his ashes tomorrow and it’s got me deep in my feelings.

He was going to be 14 in October. He beat melanoma a few years back. (They told us he wouldn’t make it 6 months.) He had a chronic cough and allergies his whole life. By all stats, he had a long life for a husky / GSD mix. I’m still heartbroken that he’s gone.

So - cheer me up and show me your pets. Share your stories.