Galvanox 400 Gallon 120"x72"x22" Inflatable Pool With 3 Air Chambers

  • You can’t deflate and put a full sized pool away for the season
  • It’s pretty big, like 400 gallons big, and it’s durable with extra thick PVC
  • It’s big enough for the whole family, in fact
  • Or just for you, your dog, and a few canned cocktails
  • Model: IFPO30185-ME, IFPO30568-ME, IFPO30836-ME, because no matter which you choose, it’s all about you
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Shameless Comfort

It’s easy to look at an inflatable pool and think that it’s a sad alternative to a real, full-sized pool. But we’d argue the opposite: this inflatable pool is not only not inferior to its larger, sturdier brethren; rather, it is the ultimate pool experience distilled. And we’ll tell you why.

Let’s say you put in a real-deal in-ground pool in your backyard. And let’s also say that you won the lottery, and that you have plenty of land. So you don’t have to worry about the money it cost, and you don’t need to worry about the space it’s taking up. You’ve got enough of both, and now you have a pool.

Which means now you have to clean the pool, and that takes time. And you need to maintain the landscaping around your pool, and that takes time too.

And now all your friends are subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) inviting themselves over to hang out around your pool and swim in your pool and play pool basketball in your pool. And when we say your friends, we mean your actual friends but also your “friends.” Having a pool during the hot summer months is like having a truck on moving day. Everyone you vaguely know thinks they’re entitled to it.

Which is to say nothing about what you do with it. This is a real-deal pool we’re talking about here. It’s got a deep end. It’s got a diving board. It demands to be used. Because even if you bought this hypothetical pool with hypothetical lottery money, and even if it’s taking up an insubstantial amount of your hypothetical backyard, it still cost a pretty penny and is still big.

Should you do some laps? Should you work on your diving form? Should you host a pool party? Not necessarily. But you’ll feel like you have to in order to justify the purchase. Even if all you really want to do is sit in the shallow end and drink a margarita.

But that’s exactly what you can do in this inflatable pool. You can sit in it. You can get a little wet. You can cool off.

As for what you can’t do, you can’t do laps. You can’t dive. You can’t host a party. You can’t really fit more than a few of your best friends in it. In other words, there’s no pressure with an inflatable pool. There’s just chilling the hell out.

So we reiterate: this inflatable pool is the ultimate pool experience.

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