River all the way. Not talking huge rivers here but mountain rivers with boulders and stuff you can jump off into deep pools formed by currents. I remember being a kid and swimming at this park in the Oregon Cascades. I jumped off this big rock in the middle of the river and then turned around to swim back to it. I had a diving mask on and to my amazement the side of the rock was huge underwater and the side was all hollowed out. There were about 10 good sized rainbow trout just chillin’ in there. Almost as cool as that time I found that body under a pile of snags. Yep, rivers are the best!
I grew up on a lake (and live in Michigan) so that’s where I’m accustom to swimming. Now that I older most of the time when I go out on the lake we stand in the water drinking beer at the sandbar, it’s the party/hangout spot. If you go up north in Michigan they have crystal clear lakes, their very nice to swim in. People actually take baths in them from time to time too. But they have really big fish too. When I really feel like swimming I go to my best friends moms pool. I do like swimming in oceans to but there has to be other people swimming to, I watch shark week ever year.
/image residential indoor pool

Last I checked private pool. That was a long, long, long time ago though.
Secretarial pool.
Right, William Jefferson?
My bath!
No diseases (other than mine).
A cold flowing creek on a hot summer day. Nothing better to invigorate the soul.*
*That might be too much of a Southern thing for Meh.
River all the way. Not talking huge rivers here but mountain rivers with boulders and stuff you can jump off into deep pools formed by currents. I remember being a kid and swimming at this park in the Oregon Cascades. I jumped off this big rock in the middle of the river and then turned around to swim back to it. I had a diving mask on and to my amazement the side of the rock was huge underwater and the side was all hollowed out. There were about 10 good sized rainbow trout just chillin’ in there. Almost as cool as that time I found that body under a pile of snags. Yep, rivers are the best!
Hot springs
They all are a blast under the right circumstances and it really comes down to the friends/family you’re hanging with.
Swimming/snorkeling in the clear water of the Carib is tops in my book,
I grew up on a lake (and live in Michigan) so that’s where I’m accustom to swimming. Now that I older most of the time when I go out on the lake we stand in the water drinking beer at the sandbar, it’s the party/hangout spot. If you go up north in Michigan they have crystal clear lakes, their very nice to swim in. People actually take baths in them from time to time too. But they have really big fish too. When I really feel like swimming I go to my best friends moms pool. I do like swimming in oceans to but there has to be other people swimming to, I watch shark week ever year.
Until recently I would have said lake, hands down, but then I heard one too many flesh-eating bacteria stories…
An outdoor pool that’s been heated by the sun all day and get in about 6:30 at night.