Dyson Purifier Cool Smart HEPA Air-Purifying Fan
- No blades, no problem
- Blows clean air all over the place
- You can control it with an app, a remote, or your voice
- Comes with an extra filter
- Can it make a margarita: What about ‘blade-less’ do you not understand?
Blows Clean
When you give someone a practical gift, it’s less about gifting the thing itself and more about freeing the recipient up from having to go through the ordeal of buying said thing.
After all, shopping for something you want? Super fun and exciting. Shopping for something you need, on the other hand? Pretty annoying. The practicality of the item seems to endow the process with that same quality. When you’re replacing your deep freeze in the basement or getting a dehumidifier, you don’t just say, “Screw it! Let’s get something WILD and EXCITING!” No. You compare specs, read reviews, and do your best to find the product that fits into the narrow overlap on the Venn diagram of durability, affordability, and usefulness.
And so, when you give someone a gift they need, what you’re really giving them is a bit of time and brain space that they would otherwise spend doing exactly that. And hey, don’t get us wrong, that’s a great gift!
The only problem: the item itself will usually be pretty friggin’ boring to unwrap. Unless, of course, it looks like something that’s straight out of a science fiction film.
Like this Dyson.
Maybe a married couple in their forties will decide to “give themselves” a combination fan and air purifier for Christmas because they need one, and there’s a deal, and hey, if they’re already spending some money, well, then… shrug emoji. But almost no one wakes up on December 25th after a fitful sleep caused by dreams of something capable of blowing and cleaning the air at the same time.
But they just might get a little bit excited when they do unwrap something that does just that if it’s sleek as all hell.
Of course, there is the little issue we alluded to above: the affordability circle of the Venn diagram doesn’t usually snag one of these things. Because they run for about 500 bucks everywhere else. We, however, are offering one for just $299! Which, yes, is still fairly pricey, but it’s all relative, isn’t it?
Anyway, our point is: it’s practical and it doesn’t look as boring as it should considering what it does. So buy one as a gift, maybe.