Diamond Muse 1.00 Carat Real Diamond Circle Link Tennis Bracelet

  • It’s a tennis bracelet, tennis not required
  • You like the look of it? Go for it!
see more product specs


Welcome to THE ORACULUM. Join us, as our resident oracles of eTail and otherwise provide predictions that will 100% potentially eventually happen. Okay, maybe the only thing we can really guarantee you is that we have a lot of stuff today. Like, a LOT of stuff. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, one of these predictions will come true.

June 12th, 2043

Stay in the fallout shelter, Capricorns!

So far today...

  • 91570 of you visited.
  • 46% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 418 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 17 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $1756 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

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