Crabtree & Evelyn Skincare Sets & Scents

  • A whole bunch of balms and scrubs and masks and stuff
  • Will make your skin feel amazing
  • Also, some good-smelling oils & EDP Scents
  • Can it make a margarita: Skin care is basically a margarita for the soul
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Good Care

What we’re selling today is a whole bunch of skincare stuff–some balms, some scrubs, some masks–and a few concentrated oils that smell nice.

But what we’re really selling is peace of mind and a sense of calm.

Here’s the thing, skincare is only partly about taking care of your skin. It’s mostly about taking care of yourself. Or, more accurately, it allows you to give yourself something relaxing to do after a long day: something that doesn’t involve your phone or your TV.

Dinner’s done. The dishwasher’s loaded. The kids are asleep. Now it is, at long last, your time.

Rubbing cream into your hands and moisturizer to your face and balm onto your dry skin?

You’re giving yourself a massage.

Diffusing some essential oils?

You’re making your house smell nice, which will, in turn, improve your mood.

Basically, this is a TRUE self-care kit. By which we mean, it’s not the social media definition of self-care, which is when you eat a pint of ice cream while watching Netflix instead of picking your friend up from the airport like you agreed to do; then when you get called out, you say, “The airport gives me anxiety, so by not coming, I was actually practicing self-care and setting boundaries.”

Oh, and by the way, when people talk about skincare, they often attach the word “routine.” As in: something you do each and every day, maybe even multiple times a day. We implied as much above. But truth be told, you could buy this big pile of skincare stuff and just use it when you need it. Like, you can dab on a little bit of the moisturizer when your skin starts to feel dry, and rub on some of the hand cream when your hands start to crack, and so on.

In conclusion, even if you’re not a total skincare nerd, you should still consider buying this bundle of skincare products and scents.

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