Cook's Essentials Japanese Steel Carving Knife and Fork Set
- A carving knife and a fork
- Powerful Japanese steel
- Corrosion-resistant
- Can it make a margarita: No, but it is wildly overqualified to cut some lime wedges
Cutting Edge
Happy Thanksgiving, all! You know what we’re thankful for this year?
Well, first off, that setting on cars where you can defrost your windshield and have hot air on your feet. What a gift during these cold fall and winter months, right? Secondly, we’re thankful that wraps never fully replaced sandwiches. There was a time there, for a few years, when people were trying to say, “Do we even need bread?” And, thankfully, the resounding answer was: “Yes.”
Third, though, we’re thankful for you, our fantastic customers and community members!
Moreover, we hope that, if you’re reading this message, it’s because you’re taking some time to slip away from the overwhelming love and joy you’re feeling on this day of gathering, and not because you’re totally burnt out and/or annoyed and/or experiencing some gastrointestinal distress that has sequestered you to a water closet far from the action.
Oh, also: we hope you appreciate this wonderful sale we have on offer today.
Now, we know what you’re thinking. If we really loved you people as much as we’re making it out that we do, we probably should’ve offered this set of serious carving utensils–a knife and a fork–a few weeks ago, so it could’ve arrived by today and you wouldn’t have had to embarrass yourself in front of your in-laws, saying, over and over, “I know how to cut turkey! It’s just the friggin’ knife!”
And that’s fair.
Except, actually, we did offer it a few weeks ago, in a ‘gearing up for Thanksgiving’ Meh-rathon. And if you didn’t buy it then, it’s because this had to happen. You had to take out your old carving utensils and realize their inadequacy in order to move on, once and for all, to a superior set like this one, made from corrosion-resistant Japanese steel.
So buy this if you need it, for next year or for whatever bird Christmas brings.
Otherwise, enjoy the day. And if it’s cold where you are, remember: you don’t have to live in a world where you choose between warm feet or a frosty windshield, which is something to be thankful for!