BioMega Therapoint Trigger Point Massage Set for Back, Foot & Body

  • A thing for you back
  • A thing for your foot
  • A thing for your body
  • Three things, is what we’re saying
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The Foot(?)-rathon(???)

Drink plenty of water, because we’re taking you through 26.2 miles of deals. It’s a marathon. It’s a meh-rathon. But mostly, it’s about your feet.

We figured that this point in the meh-rathon/marathon–when you’re miles from home and miles from the finish line and you’re tired and more susceptible to suggestion than you might otherwise be–would be a good time to hit you with something that you didn’t know you needed.

It’s this.

It’s a bit of modern/medieval fusion that is sleek and shiny yet brutally efficient in terms of poking and prodding your in all the places you didn’t think you could reach.

It’s not one thing that dubiously claims to be effective for back, foot, and body. It’s three things, each with their own precisely-engineered strengths—massage gadget specialists, if you will. But this meh-rathon is all about feet, so consider the other pieces a buy-one-get-two-free kinda thing.

So far today...

  • 70274 of you visited.
  • 57% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 561 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 27 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $407 total.
  • (including shipping)

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