Big Mouth Novelty Pool Float

  • Something to float on in the pool
  • But also: funny!
  • Looking for the IRK? It’s over here!
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The Warmth is Waning: A Meh-rathon

How to make the most of the last few warm days with a Big Mouth Novelty Pool Float:

  1. Throw a pool party!
  2. Hmm, you don’t have a pool, do you?
  3. Oh shit. Everyone’s showing up.
  4. Throw pool floats into the backyard.
  5. Tell your friends it’s like one of those games from childhood where you pretend something is lava, but this time, you pretend the grass is water.
  6. Wow, so much fun, reconnecting with your inner child!

Stick with us all day for more great deals that’ll help you enjoy the waning warmth of summer.

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