Belkin Bluetooth Keyboard

- Use the Bluetooth keyboard for any other Bluetooth-equipped device
- BONUS: use the attached case for your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1", if you’ve got one
- Function keys like Android the most, but mostly play nice with iOS
- More physically satisfying than screen keyboards, less aurally deafening than clicky keyboards
- Model: F5L159ttC00
Click you and the clicky keyboard you logged in on.
The more people type with touchscreen keyboards, the more other people prefer loud, LOUD clicky mechanical keyboards. Our frequent link target John “Daring Fireball” Gruber says they’re one of three essential elements all successful Internet people share. Another Internet sage, Jeff “Stack ‘Coding Horror’ Overflow” Atwood, went so far as to design a new mechanical keyboard that meets his requirements for clickiness. It’s called the CODE keyboard.
Which makes a nice accidental segue into this Belkin QODE (which Belkin anxiously hopes you pronounce “code”) Bluetooth Keyboard. It also provides a tactile alternative to typing on the glass touchscreen of your tablet, but with the key difference that it won’t make your co-workers want to throttle you.
Srsly ppl: it’s cool that you want to savor those muscle memories from writing BASIC on those behemoth machines in your 5th grade computer class. It’s satisfying to work up a furious storm of clicks and clacks as you bear down on some brilliant piece of work. That typewritery din makes you feel like any minute, some hardboiled, foulmouthed, ink-stained Perry White type is going to pop out of his office and bark “Get that story on my desk yesterday or it’s your ass!” It’s motivating. We get it.
The problem is, what if that’s not where you work? What if you work in an office today, not in 1973? You’re drowning out Josh’s whalesong mp3s. You’re scaring Meredith’s shih tzu. They can hear you all the way over in the beanbag-chair breakout pod. You’re disrupting the spontaneous flow of informal collaboration that’s the whole reason we supposedly got rid of all these office walls. You’re being a dick.
The Belkin QODE has actual physical keys. It provides actual physical feedback with every keystroke, without making a big ruckus about it. It’s on the small side, but it still beats the hell out of typing on a tablet screen. And, depending on how emotionally stable your co-workers are, it might just save your life.