96-Pack: Daelman's Soft Toasted Stroopwafels
- They’ll get to you by Halloween, so you can be the classy treat-giver on your block
- You’ll seem like the one giving out “full-sized” candy bars
- Delicious, bendy, chewy, etc.
- Like the ones you get on the airplane (like, exactly like those ones)
- Model: 5TR00PT4CUL4R
Halloween Via Holland
I think I’m reaching the point where if I take another entire write-up to espouse the virtues of stroopwafels, one of the best cookies in the world, it might start getting weird. Besides, I covered most of what there is to say about these last time. In summary, they are your classic, sweet, bendy, chewy, delicious stroopwafels (not the weird tech-y [also very delicious] ones that we sold those times before).
And the reviews? Pretty positive. @blaineg says:
Got 'em, they’re good.
When I opened these in front of the SIGNIFICANT OTHER, there were great peals of laughter at the fact that I bought United’s sloppy seconds. I ate one. It is as advertised.
(Which, okay, yes; these are the exact kind you get on an airplane. And we’re pretty sure “as advertised” means “good” since we advertised them as being good.)
@Stallion gives a slightly longer review:
Pleasantly surprised! I had my first but it wasn’t too warm, I placed it over a coffee cup but I was in a rush so it hardly heated up. The kids loved it too. Next time, its going in microwave to get it nice and warmed up, thanks for the tip.
Now, that bolding is my choice, because look: we’re selling these today so they can get to you by Halloween. That’s right, Halloween is coming up and it’s sure going to be a little weird this year. So why not make it even weirder (and more delicious) by offering individually wrapped dutch delicacies rather than your usual basic ass candy. They’re slightly bigger than a fun-sized Butterfinger, so the kids will think of you as the one handing out “full-sized” treats.
Now, is it really that important to seem cool to a bunch of little kids in your neighborhood?
Yes! It absolutely is! Because those kids grow up to be teens, and you want the teens on your side or else bad things can happen.
So get some stroopwafels and hand out something different this year.