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60-Pack: Earthside Farms Individually-Wrapped Keto Brownie Bites (10 bags)

  • Not much sugar (but there is some sugar)
  • Only 100 calories and 6 grams of net carbs per brownie bite
  • 3 grams of protein per serving too
  • Can it make a margarita: Don’t you dare put this thing in a blender with tequila, you monster
see more product specs


≈Okay, so we’re going to be really upfront with you. Here’s a list of the ingredients in these “Keto-friendly” brownie bites.

Now, you’ll notice two things right off the bat. And those two things are the same thing. There’s cane sugar on here twice, first in the chocolate chips and then a little further down the ingredient list.

Can you eat sugar on a Keto diet? Here’s what KetoMojo has to say:

“Some would argue that you could eat some sugar, if it falls within your daily macros (daily calories broken down into optimal amounts of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, the latter of which usually tops out at around 20 grams per day). But to follow a clean, health-minded path, you’ll want to save the day’s allotted carbs for more nutritious options, such as keto-friendly vegetables[.]”

In other words, sugar is, unsurprisingly, not very Keto-friendly.

Why are we saying all this? Honestly, because if we don’t, one of you will bring it up in the forums. Really, though, we don’t give a crap if these aren’t actually Keto-friendly. And you shouldn’t either.

Here’s the thing: nothing that comes pre-made in a package boasting its Keto-friendliness will actually fit into the strictest Ketogenic diet’s tight parameters. And anyone who is on one of those diets–the super strict kind–already knows this. These treats, then, aren’t for them.

They’re for those of you who woke up on January 1st and thought: Ugh, I ate way too much garbage this holiday season. And also, in the fall. And in the summer. And the spring. Jeez, I need to start monitoring the stuff I put in my body.

Would it be cool if you could immediately kick your sweets habit and start snacking on boiled endives or some shit? Sure. But you’re probably not going to do that. Hence, you need a snack that satisfies the part of you who still loves (and probably will always love) junk food without being full-blown junk food. These are that. Each one has only a few net carbs, 3 grams of protein, and an amount of sugar that’s way south of, say, a Snickers bar.

Sounds great, right? So get some and snack a little better this year.

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