6-Pack: Minx Ladies Performance Reverse Terry Anklet Socks

  • Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i
  • (They’re reversible.)
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The Foot(?)-rathon(???)

Drink plenty of water, because we’re taking you through 26.2 miles of deals. It’s a marathon. It’s a meh-rathon. But mostly, it’s about your feet.

Ever see a product where there’s so much detail packed in the name itself it almost leaves nothing for the copywriter to even say?

Well, you’re about to!

There is a 6-pack of Minx Ladies Performance Reverse Terry Anklet Socks.

So far today...

  • 70274 of you visited.
  • 57% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 132 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 2 of these.
  • We sold out at 4:57am.
  • That’s $13 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?