6- or 12-Pack: Round Hill 2020 California Red Blend

  • Stupidly good wine for stupidly cheap
  • Choose between a 6-pack or a 12-pack
  • If you buy some wine here, we’ll send you a coupon to get $20 off at Casemates so you can buy even more wine (this will be sent in a few days)
  • Can it make a margarita: Can a WINE make a MARGARITA? Do you even hear yourself?
  • Wine is sold by winery or participating licensee
  • Allowed states: AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WA;WI, WV, WY
see more product specs

Wine Not?

A special deal on wine? Wow, has anyone ever thought of this before?!

Well, actually yes. We have previously, on many occasions. Moreover, we have a partner site called Casemates that literally does this exact thing every day: offers great wine at great prices in a variety of quantity configurations. Or, well, they change things up four times a week, not every day. But if you go there on any given day, there will be good wine on offer. Seriously, go take a look! And if you see something you like, and want $20 off your next Casemates order, just buy this wine and we’ll send you a coupon code!

Why are we making a big deal about Casemates when we’ve got wine to sell right here? Because, really, if we’re honest, we don’t talk enough about how cool it is that Casemates exists. Like, seriously, might it be the most purely fun shopping site on the internet?

For starters, the one-thing-at-a-time model provides some surprise, variety, and anticipation, all of which make it inherently fun (or so we said to our initial investors). You go to the site regularly and find something exciting and new. Or, if not new, at least different than the last time you visited. Furthermore, there are a limited number of decisions to make. Do you want the thing? Yes or no. And, if yes, how many? That’s it.

But it’s not just the simplicity and the frequent rollover that makes Casemates fun. It’s the products. Or, the product singular. As in: wine.

Here? Most of your fun will come from the aforementioned sales model, and also from the copy, which is composed in sparkling prose, displaying an intensely intelligent wit, and is always totally devoid of typos. The products, though? Vacuums, cookware, that sorta stuff. Not exactly a party, is what we’re saying.

Wine, on the other hand, is pure fun. It’s fun to look at wine labels. It’s fun to read the wine’s tasting notes. It’s fun to then taste the wine and pretend you pick up on all of them when, in fact, there’s one flavor that overpowers the rest, the flavor of wine, which is a fun flavor! It’s fun to pour yourself a glass of wine for a quiet night in. And it’s fun to share wine with friends.

Also, it’s fun to get good wine for cheap. Which, by the way, is different than good cheap wine. Good cheap wine is bottom shelf wine that, despite the many corners cut during its mass production, still manages to taste okay. Good wine for cheap is, well, actual good wine, but priced like bad wine. That’s what we’re selling today. And that’s what Casemates sells every day.

But how good of a deal is this, really? Well, we searched around and found that a bottle usually runs you about $16 on its own. One place had it for $14ish on sale. We’re selling a 6-pack for about $40 and a 12-pack for $70. In other words, way cheaper than even the discounted price.

So get 6. Or 12. And then check your email to get $20 off on your next Casemates purchase!

So far today...

  • 77523 of you visited.
  • 59% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 2773 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 675 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $41702 total.
  • (including shipping)

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