5-Pack: Poo-Pourri 12oz Holiday & Glitter Assortment
- Quick spray keeps the stink away
- Available in holiday scents or… glitter?
- Protect that bathroom from foul odor; it’s the only private place you have during family get-togethers
- Model: P00L3-T1D3
More Pleasant Privacy
Most of the time, you see this Poo-Pourri stuff and you think, Ha! That’s funny!
Or maybe you think, You know, it would be nice if taking a dump didn’t stink up half the house.
But right now? A week after Thanksgiving and just a few weeks out from a big Christmas get-together? You realize that a nice-smelling bathroom is not just convenient; it’s the thing that will keep you from having a breakdown.
Because you realized something last week, something you probably already knew but maybe forgot after a year and change of isolation and “visits” happening exclusively over Zoom: that gathering IRL for a glutenous get-down with family and/or friends is fun, but it’s also exhausting. Everywhere you turn, there are people to catch up with, to reminisce with, to argue with.
It can be a lot.
And when you need a quick recharge, there’s a single place you can go to be by yourself, the sole room in the house where closing the door is not just okay but actually required.
The John. The water closet. The bathroom.
Whatever you call it, it’s the one safe haven you’ve got during the holidays. Only problem is, it can be hard to decompress (both in the emotional and the gastrointestinal senses) if the silence seekers who came before you totally bombed it out.
So get yourself some Poo-Pourri. It’s not just a product with a funny name. It’s not just a deodorizing spray. In these times of yule and cheer and heavy food, it’s salvation, pure and simple.