Dementia sucks! That song could have been written for my 85 year old mother in law! Or US! All as WE want is for her to brush her teeth! (Dementia sucks!) The struggle is real…
(Dementia sucks!) Who decides when and what to do when the children just can’t or won’t! (That’s rhetorical, I’m aware there’s attorneys who do that) Quality of life for the caretaker IS a thing or at least it SHOULD BE, who’s in worse shape? When you go from needing a caregiver yourself to BEING someone’s caregiver in the same week for no other reason than love. (Dementia sucks, it’s a family disease!|) When some family members are either blind or just plain selfish! Being a ostrich isn’t acceptable! When is enough E-nough? Did I mention how much dementia sucks!
… and if she’d only just brush her teeth!
Yeah it’s really sucking right about now. It wasn’t very big of me to come here and vent (here comes my excuse) BUT, it’s the one place I have to come and scream from the rooftop without anyone I actually know hearing me.
In my own defense, and to help with my guilt of being/speaking so ugly, it wouldn’t be so bad if her family pitched in. And if we weren’t dealing with our own health stuff. Ugh it’s so hard right now!
Dementia sucks! That song could have been written for my 85 year old mother in law! Or US! All as WE want is for her to brush her teeth! (Dementia sucks!) The struggle is real…
(That’s rhetorical, I’m aware there’s attorneys who do that) Quality of life for the caretaker IS a thing or at least it SHOULD BE, who’s in worse shape?
When you go from needing a caregiver yourself to BEING someone’s caregiver in the same week for no other reason than love. (Dementia sucks, it’s a family disease!|) When some family members are either blind or just plain selfish! Being a ostrich isn’t acceptable!
When is enough E-nough? Did I mention how much dementia sucks!

(Dementia sucks!) Who decides when and what to do when the children just can’t or won’t!
… and if she’d only just brush her teeth!
@Lynnerizer Dementia does suck and I am sorry you have to deal with it.
) BUT, it’s the one place I have to come and scream from the rooftop without anyone I actually know hearing me. 
it’s so hard right now!
Yeah it’s really sucking right about now. It wasn’t very big of me to come here and vent (here comes my excuse
In my own defense, and to help with my guilt of being/speaking so ugly, it wouldn’t be so bad if her family pitched in. And if we weren’t dealing with our own health stuff. Ugh