4-Pack: Jetz Scrubz Scrubber Sponge

  • We found more hiding in a corner
  • Scrubber side is a proprietary high-tech material that will not scratch
  • Super-absorbent Sudzinator foam side holds suds longer
  • I guess it’s like a fancy sponge thing
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
see more product specs

I Have A BS In BS

“Back to School” sales, huh? Honestly, anything could be considered school-related if we come up with convincing-enough BS, right? C’mon, it’ll be fun! We’ll do it just like all those essays we did on books we never even read past the back cover!


Remember in gym class during elementary school all those bean bags? They’d make kids slide them on the floor, throw ‘em, play games like steal the bacon with them. All kinds of things. Those bean bags probably get worn down real quick. You’d need a steady supply, I think.

What if you had something that didn’t wear down, though. Durable. Approximately the same size. No risk of breaking open or spilling beans. Decently large packs.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m talking about some Kraft Singles.

Honestly, these sponges could probably work too.

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