4-Pack: Bell + Howell Alien Shield Transparent Tape

  • Holes, man! They sure let a lot of stuff through them!
  • But these stop holes from letting stuff through
  • Kinda like how normal tape fixes paper, this tape fixes everything else
  • Were these features written by an AI: Sadly, no; the man who wrote them has a terminal degree in writing
see more product specs

Patch It Up

Things this tape can do:

Things it can’t do:

  • Stop your child from aging so they will remain young and innocent forever.
  • Keep that thing your spouse asked you to get at the store top of mind (just make a list on your phone, buddy).
  • Silence the digestive noises of the burrito you had at lunch lunch.
  • Stop your wallet from leaking every time you pass a Starbucks during PSL season.
  • Keep your mouth fully shut whenever someone says “Well, if Embiid had the supporting cast Jokic has, he’d have won the title last year.”

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  • 67675 of you visited.
  • 50% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
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And you bought...

  • 1266 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $17380 total.
  • (including shipping)

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