3-Pack: Molly & Rex Flavor Infusion Water Bottles

  • Give your water a kick without artificial additives
  • Put fresh fruits and/or veggies in the infuser capsule and let them infuse the water with flavor, vitamins, and minerals
  • Odor, stain, and shatter-resistant material
  • Just don’t microwave it
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Trick-or-Treat: a Meh-rathon

You see two kids in costume. One is dressed as Robin Hood. The other is also dressed as Robin Hood, but he’s sticking up the other and demanding his headwear. Together they are Robin Hood Robbin’ Robin Hood’s Hood.

What’s a Meh-rathon?

Normally, Meh is all about one deal per day—simple. But sometimes, we throw that out the window. A Meh-rathon is an all-day gauntlet of nonstop deals. One after another, untill we run out of stuff (or patience). It's chaotic. It's fun. It's a terrible way to shop responsibly. You've been warned.

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So far today...

  • 96822 of you visited.
  • 23% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 131 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 2 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $31 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?