2-Pack: Clip Clap 5000mAh Water-Resistant 12W Type-C Power Bank

How Much Emphasis?

Water resistance creates a real marketing-related quandary: how much emphasis do you put on said water resistance?

Take these water-resistant power banks, for example.

You could build a compelling scenario that really plays up this one aspect.

Like, say you’re going camping. Sure, you want to get away. Sure, you want to unplug. Sure, you want to take in nature without getting distracted by some piece of news or some inane Reddit thread.

And yet…

Wouldn’t it be nice to know the weather? If you have cell coverage, wouldn’t it be nice to rest easy knowing you could call for help if need be? Or look up a trail map? Or identify whether a plant is edible or rash-inducing?

Having a power bank or two to recharge your phone if it dies would be helpful. And you know what else would be nice? If those power banks could get a little wet without you needing to worry about them shorting out. After all, you’re out in the elements. It’s hard to ensure everything stays dry if it starts to rain.

All makes sense, right?

At the same time, if you lean too far into the water resistant angle? Some people see this thing and think, I don’t camp! So why would I need this thing?

But consider this: a water-resistant power bank is just a power bank that happens to be water resistant.

These have all sorts of other features to recommend them. They each have two USB ports (one A, one C), for starters. And they’re designed to clip to your bag, making them easy to take with you wherever you go.

That means they can charge your phone just fine when the battery goes into the red halfway through a cross-country flight. Their water resistance does nothing to impede upon this. You don’t need a camping trip or a swimming pool to use them.

It does mean, however, that if you’re sleep-deprived after a red-eye and manage to spill water onto it, you don’t have to worry.

In conclusion: water resistant things work with or without water to resist.

So buy these. And don’t worry if they get damp.

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