2-Pack: Chris & Peyton Woven Runners

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Tricky "Treats": a Meh-rathon

The children were having a hard time carrying the rugs.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have worn such silly clothes if they were going to get in the way of carrying off a free rug,” said Mr. Harkin. “Ever think of that?”

“What do the clothes have to do with it?” said one of the trick-or-treaters.

“It’s Halloween!” said another. “Of course we’re going to dress up!”

Mr. Harkin shook his head. Back when he was a kid, it didn’t matter what day it was. You were always ready for a free rug.

Follow along all day for great deals on products you could (technically) hand out on Halloween!

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  • 241 clicked meh
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  • 31 of these.
  • We sold out at 4:02pm.
  • That’s $407 total.
  • (including shipping)

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