2-Pack Aduro Surge with USB and DC Outlets
- One of these turns your two outlets into three, plus two USB ports
- The other turns your two outlets into… uhh… two better outlets? (And two USB ports)
- Both protect your devices from the terrible SURGE!
- Model: 0UTL3T-M4LL
Release The Power
“Dad,” said Chris, entering the living room, “I need your help with something.”
“What is it, son?” Dale said, lowering his newspaper.
“I think I need a new outlet, dad,” Chris said.
Dale nodded, knowingly. “I understand, son. When I was your age, a fire burned in me as well. In art class, I shined. The teacher, she told me I should become a painter. She said I had promise. But did I listen? Of course not. I was young, naive. Besides, the cool kids? They didn’t do art. They played football, so that’s what I did too, the helmet like a mask, hiding who I was, who I wanted to be. I played quarterback. Backup quarterback, that is. I wasn’t good enough to start until Nicky Tuglowski got hurt. Then the ball was in my hands. I set the record. In three games, I threw the most interceptions in the team’s history. I was too embarrassed to see what a gift it was, to see that the other team wasn’t stealing from me; they were freeing me from the game. Every moment I wasn’t gripping that pigskin, I could’ve been holding a brush, making something beautiful. Then, came college. No football scholarship, obviously. I studied business for some reason. It seemed like what mature young men did, you know? I met your mother in school, which was great, but that’s about all I got out of it. That, and a soul-less job in sales. Can I admit something? Sometimes, walking home from the train, I take the long way, so I can pass the art supply store. I think, I should go in, get a canvas, some paints, a few brushes. It’s never too late, right? But just the thought of it hurts. Because it’s not about what I could do in the future, but what I could’ve been, had things been different in the past. So, suffice it to say, if you need a new way to express yourself, I understand, son. And I will support you in any way I can.”
Chris blinked. “No, dad. A new outlet. Like, to plug stuff in. I’m tired of having to unplug my reading lamp to charge my phone.”
“Oh,” Dale said. “I see. Yeah, I think they’re selling some on Meh today. With surge protection and USB ports. I’ll buy you some.”
“Great, thanks dad,” Chris said.
“Good talk, son,” Dale said.