2-for-Tuesday: Atomic Charge RFID Wallets with Powerbank

We’re not selling this deal anymore, but you can buy it at Amazon
  • You get 2 wallets
  • And you get 2 2500 mAh power banks
  • And you get 2 RFID protectors
  • (They are all the same thing)
  • (But there are 2 of them)
  • Model: 12112, which is what you put in the 3rd time you’re asked to reset your 5-digit password
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Briefly: Brent

Very exciting day here at Meh! We’ve hired a brand new member of our team! So please, join us in giving a warm welcome to Brent, our first ever full-time model. He’ll be working in tandem with our copy department to better display the fine products we offer on a daily basis.

For example, watch this:

Hey, Brent! We’re looking for something that’ll hold all of our credit cards and cash and stuff. Extra points if it features RFID protection. Anything come to mind?

Wow! Good stuff, Brent! Now let’s try another one: uh oh, looks like our phones are dying. Do you have a small, portable power bank you could lend us?

Awesome! The wallet has a built-in power bank! Alright, Brent, great work. If you want to take a break and get a drink of water or–

Oh, you brought water? In that thing? Ha! Good one, Brent! You had us going there for a moment!

Wait, you weren’t kidding. You really did fill that thing with water, huh? Brent, that might not be the best idea. It’s kinda leaking all over the place.

Jeez, Brent! That’s a lot of water! You gotta get out of there!


Shit! And on the first day too! Well, we better update the jobs page.

As for you all: please buy a 2-pack of these charging wallets. It’s what Brent would’ve wanted.

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  • 79591 of you visited.
  • 46% on a phone, 3% on a tablet.
  • 4466 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 581 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $6752 total.
  • (including shipping)

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