2-for-Tuesday: Useful Pieces of Plastic and String

  • One more step toward a life where you stare at your phone EVERY WAKING MOMENT
  • Retractable cord doubles as a garrote
  • You’ll feel guilty about narcotizing kids with movies on car trips, and then do it anyway
  • How the HELL do you pronounce Zhip?
see more product specs

Zhip on over to our place.

OK, we know how this looks. In pictures, the Zhip comes across as a chintzy piece of cheapo plastic junk, something you’d see in a giant bin at the flea market with sign that says NEXT STOP: LANDFILL. The official video illustrates some of the convenient ways you can mount your smartphone with the Zhip, but doesn’t do much to dissipate its dollar-store aura. We wondered ourselves, would we really trust our phones to this thing? But once we had it in our hands, we realized it’s actually the coolest phone mount we’ve ever seen!

So how about this: come by our office and we’ll show you the Zhip. In person. On the spot. For real.

If you can swing by 3200 Belmeade Drive in Carrollton, Texas between noon and 1 PM Central time today, we’ll tear ourselves away from our fantasy football draft spreadsheets long enough to show you the wonders the Zhip is capable of. That retractable cord lets you hang or mount your phone just about anywhere. It adjusts to any smartphone, but keeps a firm grip once it’s set in place. And it feels like a solid piece of work, easily up to the job of holding your precious phone.

But don’t take our word for it. Come see for yourself. Keep in mind that we might take pictures or video of you. Don’t expect a full tour of the office. Bathroom access is solely at the management’s discretion. We’re not putting on a shirt and tie for you or anyone else.

Otherwise, we can’t wait to see you and the Zhip at the Meh showroom! And by that we just mean “room where we’ll show you something”!

So far today...

  • 63 of you visited.
  • 6% on a phone, 2% on a tablet.
  • 3578 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

How’d you get here?

  • 94% just typed meh.com
  • The other 6% of you came from:

And you bought...

  • 670 of these.
  • Deal ended .
  • That’s $6518 total.
  • (including shipping)

Who's buying this crap?

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