12-Pack: T.Taio Esponjabon 2 In 1 Soap Sponge

  • The soap is coming from inside the sponge
  • Smells nice
  • Looking for the IRK? It’s over here!
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The Cold is Coming: a Meh-rathon

How to prepare for the cold days ahead with a 12-Pack of T.Taio Esponjabon 2 In 1 Soap Sponges:

  1. Buy this 12 pack.
  2. Honestly, this is probably all you need for the winter.
  3. Once it gets cold and dry, bathing is less important.
  4. Or so I keep trying to explain to everyone who plugs their noses around me at the grocery store.

Hang with us all day for more great deals to help you handle the approaching chill.

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