I won't eat it until it's melted a bit. Been doing this since I was a kid. I just don't care for the texture of it when it's full-frozen. I'll let it sit for a good 15 minutes or more until it's melted down quite a bit. This is true for both regular ice cream and soft-serve.
Maybe they should just sell it that way. I'd be in for a tub of melted ice cream. Somebody please invent this.
@pepsiwine I've always preferred it a bit melted myself. Especially when I would have it with birthday cake… let the ice cream melt, and mush it all together into this sloppy, cakey mess!
why is "bowl" winning? it doesn't say "cookie bowl" or "waffle bowl"... so i assume it's an inedible bowl. how can you prefer that over a delivery system you can eat.
I love ice cream topped funnel cakes myself when I can get them.
No option for intravenous???
just hook it to my veins!
I just even up the tub. It's such a shame when people dig those deep holes in the ice cream.
@2many2no After you've scooped, press a piece of plastic wrap onto the ice cream; keeps it from icing.
@2many2no Yep! Ditto - must scoop evenly!
Spoon. The bowl holds it, but the spoon delivers it.
I like it melted. Is that weird?
I won't eat it until it's melted a bit. Been doing this since I was a kid. I just don't care for the texture of it when it's full-frozen. I'll let it sit for a good 15 minutes or more until it's melted down quite a bit. This is true for both regular ice cream and soft-serve.
Maybe they should just sell it that way. I'd be in for a tub of melted ice cream.
Somebody please invent this.
@pepsiwine I've always preferred it a bit melted myself. Especially when I would have it with birthday cake… let the ice cream melt, and mush it all together into this sloppy, cakey mess!
Truck. Preferrably one that plays Turkey in the Straw.
Inter-dimensional Portal right into my mouth.
One of those double cone things

Should I vote "bowl" if I eat it primarily out of the tub?
What ever happened to the choco taco?
why is "bowl" winning? it doesn't say "cookie bowl" or "waffle bowl"... so i assume it's an inedible bowl. how can you prefer that over a delivery system you can eat.
@katylava Can we still be friends if I'm not an edible bowl person?
Why was milkshake not an option, and why has no one mentioned that in the 12 hours since this poll went live???
I don't like iced cream!
I like to plug my ice cream