@TheCO2 Guess who's holding the bacon... The one on the right is like having 4 dogs in one. Super energetic and super nosy. But that's a swiss mtn dog for you...
@Headly Even working in a pet store, I'm not familiar with Swiss Mountain Dogs. And yes, that look is all too familiar. The ACD stare is almost humorous.
@TheCO2 He's mixed with something, we're not sure what. We think Aussie. All our dogs are from a rescue, and 3 of them were on the e-list. Every time we go to the farm we end up with another one...
@Headly That's a great way to do it. Dallas, my Red is a rescue; then the gal I got him from was gone 12 hours a day and figured it wasn't fair to him. I keep in touch with her and she can see him whenever she wants. She got him from a local shelter and her schedule changed, after she got him.
@unkabob Our cats have been described as very dog-like, my big, fluffy, athletic Norwegian Forest in particular. They greet us at the door. The other cat will play fetch with a straw. Literally, she fetches, drops it at our feet and waits for us to throw it again.
Galen's my favorite. Adopted him 2 weeks ago. He's a Shiloh Shepherd puppy training to be my service dog to help with my spine injuries and PTSD. He's 11-weeks old tomorrow.
@CircaRigel I'm so happy for you! My soninlaw has a big goofy black lab for his ptsd and mobility issues. They've been in training for about 9 months now. It's a big commitment with even bigger rewards. They actually just had a successful trip to Disneyland! Although pup didn't like Pirates ride so much...hockey games aren't so good yet either. Hope all goes well with you! He's a cutie!
@PurplePawprints Oh, I'm aware of the BSG reference, as well as the ST-TNG one, and the B5 ones. However, I specifically named him Galen after the 2nd century Greek physician, Claudius Galenus (otherwise known as Galen), where the name originates. The meaning comes from that physician's works... "Healer."
@mcanavino I researched a Shiba as for a dog, based only on my research, I would say NO. That said, do your own research (I hope someone else will answer) .
@mcanavino we adopted our Shiba from a Korean family when he was six years old (just about two years ago now) and he was already fully trained (and quite well, I might add). Over the two years we have had him, he has become a bit more "dog like" since I think we give him a bit more freedom than his previous family. Based on all of my reading and my experience, I would agree that Shibas are more stubborn and difficult to train than other breeds. That being said, I am completely in love with the breed and will definitely get another one in the future, even if that involves training from scratch and the rambunctious puppy years.
@mcanavino I'm not really a dog person, but I have really fallen in love with Shibas. I need to get more involved with the local Shiba community and explore the idea of maybe getting another one. If you're interested, definitely do your research, join the forum or facebook group, and go from there.
They can be very stubborn, so definitely do your research before taking the plunge. I plunged before research due to the circumstances, and won the lottery with Haru.
Haru in his "guard" position on the couch. He'll sit here for a hours every day waiting for the mail man and growling at anything else that dares to enter his field of view.
I really want a dog but know I can't have one until we have a yard. My SO hates the whole shedding thing but I want a big dog so I'm probably leaning towards a Labradoodle.
@JonT I saved Miss Belle from the county "shelter" (aka disposal facility). That was four years ago. I never regretted it for a second. This is the day I sprung her from the joint. Shedding or no... you can't put a price on that face!
This is one of my dogs. He is the King of Shed, and we feed him Nature's Choice to try and keep it under control. He has an undercoat like a husky. I have no clue what he is. But he is a rescue - the very best kind of dog!
When I was a kid (elementary school), I had a silver-haired German shepherd, a retired military police dog (my then single mom had a thing for pilots and her boyfriend at the time was in the Air Force) who knew the commands and stuff, but became increasingly undisciplined in my company. This isn't her, but she looked a lot like this picture. She was the sweetest dog.
She loved the water and the two of us could play for hours with one of these:
I'd whip the stream back-and-forth and she'd chase it, and if I hesitated at a point in the arc, she'd rush in on it.
She used to jump up and put her front paws on my shoulders. And she was just awesome. Though she would angrily chase a couple of particular models of cars--bad experiences, I guess. And I couldn't take her fishing (we lived in the country when I first got her), because she'd jump in after my bait. She liked to gnaw on turtles too. And would get into porcupines and skunks. But she was my constant companion whenever I went out hiking or playing in the woods.
Alas, she eventually succumbed to arthritis. Sigh.
I like big (though medium-sized can be okay), friendly, working dogs--the smarter and more trainable the better. I have absolutely no use for lap dogs, especially dogs that yip and who are obviously compensating for their diminutive size by exerting an obnoxious presence. I especially dislike chihuahuas. Might as well get a cat instead of one of those annoying creatures. Cats have more self-respect and are less trouble, IMO, than small, yippy dogs.
But back to the positive: I still think that shepherds, huskies and wolves are among the most beautiful of mammals. Labs and Lab mutts are awesome too, in their own particular way, just because they're so lovable.
I love all dogs (all animals) but the bigger the better. Simba's the second biggest dog I have owned at 37" at the shoulder and 143lbs. He's my 6th Dane and my 10th giant breed dog. He's also a rescue and a therapy dog. Great Danes alternate between being regal and goofy, just to keep you guessing.
@moondrake Yesterday local animal control busted a puppy mill. They took 17 Great Danes into custody. The pictures of the starved dogs were horrifying. Now Graet Dane rescue has an enormous influx of sick/starved dogs. That's going to really strain their system.
@Teripie Our GDR is very large, we get danes from all over the region so depending on where you are we may get some of them. I wish I could take in a second but Simba is dog aggressive. He's mellowed with old age and relentless training but he'll never be safe in an unsupervised situation around another dog.
@moondrake I think the dogs went to Pensacola. I'm in basenji rescue and our ranks are huge. I few years ago they managed to take in over 30 feral dogs from down near Tampa. It was one hell of a rescue effort!
@Pavlov I guessed ChiliDog
@Pavlov -In broadcasting, that much dead air would get you fired. ;-)
At someone else's house. And not jumping or slobbering or shedding on me when I go there.
Truthfully, though, my favorite dogs are... CATS!
@brotendo64 Chili?
My favorite dogs are MY dogs.
@TheCO2 Love cattle dogs!
My wiener-twins, Sophie & Sylvie. The two best doxies EVER.
Swiper, Amber, Bonnie, Burpy, Sinbad, Snoopy. All but one departed, but all packmates forever.
these four:
@Headly All those ears. HAHA! Looks like you have a very busy pack, with so many herding dogs.
@TheCO2 Guess who's holding the bacon... The one on the right is like having 4 dogs in one. Super energetic and super nosy. But that's a swiss mtn dog for you...
@Headly Even working in a pet store, I'm not familiar with Swiss Mountain Dogs. And yes, that look is all too familiar. The ACD stare is almost humorous.
@TheCO2 He's mixed with something, we're not sure what. We think Aussie. All our dogs are from a rescue, and 3 of them were on the e-list. Every time we go to the farm we end up with another one...
Better Picture
@Headly That's a great way to do it. Dallas, my Red is a rescue; then the gal I got him from was gone 12 hours a day and figured it wasn't fair to him. I keep in touch with her and she can see him whenever she wants. She got him from a local shelter and her schedule changed, after she got him.
Super Belle the Wonder Dog and Zoe Monster

@ruouttaurmind Big dog to walk and little dog to sit in your lap....perfect!!!
@smilingjack That's an awesome dream! Unfortunately Belle does not subscribe to the idea that she is not a lap dog. LOL!
@ruouttaurmind Not a problem for me. If they don't mind cats, you can send them over!
I'm forced to choose cats...

'nuff said..
@unkabob Our cats have been described as very dog-like, my big, fluffy, athletic Norwegian Forest in particular. They greet us at the door. The other cat will play fetch with a straw. Literally, she fetches, drops it at our feet and waits for us to throw it again.
@joelmw .. That's precious..
Galen's my favorite. Adopted him 2 weeks ago. He's a Shiloh Shepherd puppy training to be my service dog to help with my spine injuries and PTSD. He's 11-weeks old tomorrow.
@CircaRigel I'm so happy for you! My soninlaw has a big goofy black lab for his ptsd and mobility issues. They've been in training for about 9 months now. It's a big commitment with even bigger rewards. They actually just had a successful trip to Disneyland! Although pup didn't like Pirates ride so much...hockey games aren't so good yet either. Hope all goes well with you! He's a cutie!
@CircaRigel I have a Galen, also! I adopted him in December. Please tell me his name is a BSG reference!
@PurplePawprints Oh, I'm aware of the BSG reference, as well as the ST-TNG one, and the B5 ones. However, I specifically named him Galen after the 2nd century Greek physician, Claudius Galenus (otherwise known as Galen), where the name originates. The meaning comes from that physician's works... "Healer."
@meow57 Thanks! It's wonderful that your son is being helped in that way! It certainly is a big commitment, but the rewards make it all worth it.
@CircaRigel Well, that's cool too, I guess. ;-)
@CircaRigel He is beautiful! Shepherds love to be with their person. Just love him as much as he loves you.
Our rescue dogs Lucy, a Plott Hound/Lab mix and Sheba, a German Shephard/Husky mix. Pics coming.
Any kind that doesn't act insane and jump all over you.
These adorable little bastards:

Havanese are the best breed of house dog, hands down.
@phatmass I've heard they rate up in the top 10 for most cuddly dogs, too.
@phatmass I used to have one. Alice. She was awesome. Clara is my current baby. Rescue dog. Also awesome

My Shiba and his buddy the cat.
@VeeDubTDI winner
@VeeDubTDI aww. Are shibas as tough to train as they say? Really want a shiba inu as 1st dog when we get a house.
@mcanavino I researched a Shiba as for a dog, based only on my research, I would say NO. That said, do your own research (I hope someone else will answer) .
@mcanavino we adopted our Shiba from a Korean family when he was six years old (just about two years ago now) and he was already fully trained (and quite well, I might add). Over the two years we have had him, he has become a bit more "dog like" since I think we give him a bit more freedom than his previous family. Based on all of my reading and my experience, I would agree that Shibas are more stubborn and difficult to train than other breeds. That being said, I am completely in love with the breed and will definitely get another one in the future, even if that involves training from scratch and the rambunctious puppy years.
@VeeDubTDI Thanks. It's a few years out for us, but just looking & learning now.
Interesting that yours changed their personally with you.
@mcanavino I'm not really a dog person, but I have really fallen in love with Shibas. I need to get more involved with the local Shiba community and explore the idea of maybe getting another one. If you're interested, definitely do your research, join the forum or facebook group, and go from there.
They can be very stubborn, so definitely do your research before taking the plunge. I plunged before research due to the circumstances, and won the lottery with Haru.
Someone else's!
I'm a cat person and the best dog to accommodate that is the komondor! It'll independently guard mah cat herd.
I like dogs that don't slobber. And is it weird that I buy toys for other people's dogs? And other people's cats?
I came for pics of dogs. I was not disappointed.
Basenjis. They're just plain weird.

I don't have a dog but want a Maltipoo. They are like 5 pounds full grown!
@nadroj That's a lion. Duh. ;-)
@nadroj @joelmw
i'm a big fan of this son of a bitch:
Here are a couple more Shiba pics...
Haru in his "guard" position on the couch. He'll sit here for a hours every day waiting for the mail man and growling at anything else that dares to enter his field of view.

All dressed up with nowhere to go.

Dad, why aren't you paying attention to me?

Cat trees are not for dogs

@VeeDubTDI That is an adorable dog. He seems to fit just fine on the cat tree.
@VeeDubTDI super totes adorbz dog, love the tie and the guard position pic reminds me of Hachiko.
@JonT what is a Hachiko?? Is it cute??
@VeeDubTDI it's sad but sweet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D
Gads! My pooches have been out-cuted. Mustn't have that now...

The Monster LOVES her ball. More than me, more than food, more than life itself...
Super Belle sportin' her swagger...
Shelter dogs are awesome!
Some super cute pups in this thread!
I really want a dog but know I can't have one until we have a yard. My SO hates the whole shedding thing but I want a big dog so I'm probably leaning towards a Labradoodle.

Look at that little guy!
@JonT I saved Miss Belle from the county "shelter" (aka disposal facility). That was four years ago. I never regretted it for a second. This is the day I sprung her from the joint.
Shedding or no... you can't put a price on that face!
@JonT My cousin breeds Labradoodles and swears they're the best dogs (and also good for folks with allergies)
This is one of my dogs. He is the King of Shed, and we feed him Nature's Choice to try and keep it under control. He has an undercoat like a husky. I have no clue what he is. But he is a rescue - the very best kind of dog!

@Teripie really beautiful coloring!!
When I was a kid (elementary school), I had a silver-haired German shepherd, a retired military police dog (my then single mom had a thing for pilots and her boyfriend at the time was in the Air Force) who knew the commands and stuff, but became increasingly undisciplined in my company. This isn't her, but she looked a lot like this picture. She was the sweetest dog.
She loved the water and the two of us could play for hours with one of these:
I'd whip the stream back-and-forth and she'd chase it, and if I hesitated at a point in the arc, she'd rush in on it.
She used to jump up and put her front paws on my shoulders. And she was just awesome. Though she would angrily chase a couple of particular models of cars--bad experiences, I guess. And I couldn't take her fishing (we lived in the country when I first got her), because she'd jump in after my bait. She liked to gnaw on turtles too. And would get into porcupines and skunks. But she was my constant companion whenever I went out hiking or playing in the woods.
Alas, she eventually succumbed to arthritis. Sigh.
I like big (though medium-sized can be okay), friendly, working dogs--the smarter and more trainable the better. I have absolutely no use for lap dogs, especially dogs that yip and who are obviously compensating for their diminutive size by exerting an obnoxious presence. I especially dislike chihuahuas. Might as well get a cat instead of one of those annoying creatures. Cats have more self-respect and are less trouble, IMO, than small, yippy dogs.
But back to the positive: I still think that shepherds, huskies and wolves are among the most beautiful of mammals. Labs and Lab mutts are awesome too, in their own particular way, just because they're so lovable.
@joelmw The Call of the Wild was one of my favorite books.

@joelmw great book. That's one that I'm going to have to read again sometime.
@joelmw Jack London knew dogs. I also really enjoyed Rose in a Storm; the author has a wonderful way of placing you into a dog's mind.
Dogs makes me nervous.
No dachshunds?

and Ben

care not for your rules, only your pets
@qlewis31 Yessss! My family has had weiner dogs for as long as I can remember and I'll always have a soft spot for them, yours are beautiful!
@qlewis31 I was in South Beach on Jan 23rd and there was a Dachshund festival going on on the beach. So many cool breed combinations!
I love all dogs (all animals) but the bigger the better. Simba's the second biggest dog I have owned at 37" at the shoulder and 143lbs. He's my 6th Dane and my 10th giant breed dog. He's also a rescue and a therapy dog. Great Danes alternate between being regal and goofy, just to keep you guessing.

@moondrake I love it when we get Simba pics!
@Thumperchick I love it when I get to share Simba pics!
@moondrake Yesterday local animal control busted a puppy mill. They took 17 Great Danes into custody. The pictures of the starved dogs were horrifying. Now Graet Dane rescue has an enormous influx of sick/starved dogs. That's going to really strain their system.
@Teripie Our GDR is very large, we get danes from all over the region so depending on where you are we may get some of them. I wish I could take in a second but Simba is dog aggressive. He's mellowed with old age and relentless training but he'll never be safe in an unsupervised situation around another dog.
@moondrake I think the dogs went to Pensacola. I'm in basenji rescue and our ranks are huge. I few years ago they managed to take in over 30 feral dogs from down near Tampa. It was one hell of a rescue effort!
My favorite dog is whichever one I have at the moment, except for the really terrible chihuahua who kept biting me. For now, miniature cockapoos rule!